Lex was almost caught off guard by the sudden jerk of the blade. Almost. At the last second she managed to support herself and keep upright. She moved slowly forward, still testing the weight of the blade while it was spinning as well as trying to figure out what was going on. She gave up on trying to observe what happened. "Okay, what exactly is going on here? Looks like a huge mess, if you ask me. " Lex said, striding confidently into the conversation. "Also, no one wants to see an empty eye socket, Cyclops." she pointed at the girl with her hands looking like they were going to take off her eyepatch. Yuck, if she saw an empty space like that in a human being, she'd probably throw up too. She hated having to interrupt a conversation, but honestly she wanted to know and she'd didn't want to see anything that the cyclops girl had behind that eyepatch. It was a win-win if she managed to accomplish both at the same time or only one. Either way, she was getting to know other students, which would help her later on if she remembered what her father said.