Maktane stood up slowly and dropped the potion Kaito gave him on the floor. Even though he was weak he walked over to Kaito and put a hand on his sword, "Put your weapon down." He turned to Kaito looking him in the eye with a strong look of determination, "This is my problem," Maktane grew a slight grin, "Stop trying to be a hero..." He patted Kaito on the shoulder and a secret thank you and drew his sword, "I'm in a duel, please, let me handle this." Maktane raised his sword at the man as he stared at him, his eyes tired and full of pain. "I'm not done with you." With that he ran toward the man and slashed him across the torso. His HP dropped and the duel ended. Maktane stood above the man, his hair covering his eyes, "Yeah, I'm a Red Player, the most wanted one in all for floor three... So go tell your friends where I am," He raised his head and stared at the man with a look of a crazed serial killer, "I'll be waiting." The man gasped and bolted away, as well as the others. Maktane turned towards Kaito, a slight smile appeared as he raised his hand into a thumbs up and then collapsed onto the floor.