Maktane opens his eyes and places a hand on Kaito's shoulder, "Sorry... I've never had family before..." He sits up slowly and lets out a weak and quiet chuckle, "Guess I just haven't learned what it means to be family." He smiles slightly, "Don't worry, I'll learn... It'll just take some getting use to." Maktane coughed a little, "I'm used to doing this, I mean I am a Red Player after all." He pulled out a potion and drank it. Standing up he reached out a hand, "Come on, no need to get all teary eyed." Smiling he chuckled some more. "You don't want her to think you're weak now do you?" He gestures toward the house, obviously talking about Vixen. "You're a lucky guy, just want you to know that..." He pulls Kaito to his feet and walks inside.