{{Thread is closed until further notice}} Welcome to Realms, previously "War Among the Realms". This is for the most part an open-ended NRP and an exercise in world-building, though we encourage the development of CRPs within Realms in order to enrich the story. Here, story is what matters most, not what one person has that you don't, and to reflect that Realms is for the most part a rather fast and loose Fantasy setting with elements of Steampunk, High-Fantasy, Historical and more besides. With this freedom of setting, Realms should prove to be engaging on many levels to almost anyone, and that is what builds story, along with a success-driven community that respects each-other and is willing to work their way through disagreements. The rules: 1) Don't be a dick. Seriously, treat everyone else with respect. 2) No metagaming/min-maxing. That means building your nation to be blatantly better than another nation, don't fucking do it. 3) No power-gaming in the IC. Should be self-explanatory. 4) Disagreements that cannot be solved by the immediate involved parties should be taken to PMs/GMs. Don't drag the OOC down in your arguments, regardless of how right you think you are. 5) Respect another player's creations. Humans are rather universal, and you can pretty well assume that there will be NPCs to do stuff to. However, humans from a specific player nation are a different matter, as they belong to that player, and it is for them to decide what happens with them(Within reason of course). This applies to player-created species in addition to player-nations. 6) Be reasonable. This one can be tricky, as everyone has their own degree of what is reasonable and what is not. If all else fails, defer to a third-party in terms of what is reasonable, as most of the time an unbiased opinion can show you something you've missed. 7) Your military section of your NS may not comprise more than 25% of your overall sheet. This is a roleplay, and that means that story will be the focus, not winning against your fellow players. The Setting: Technology - Much thought was put into this area in particular, as this is more often than not, the most argued section within fantasy NRPs. I have decided that for this RP there will be a rather eclectic mixing of tech levels, in that some areas are more advanced, while others lag behind considerably. One of these areas that lag behind will be firearms, as I am having them be limited to where they are of the era of inaccurate gunpowder weapons. There are, however, more advanced technologies in the arenas of agriculture and learning, with the setting being more in the realm of Colonial Era/Edo Period in those facets. If anything, feel free to ask if certain things are allowed, and if I'm not able to answer it directly, I will consult with someone who knows the time-period better. Magic(Usage) - This one is another of the more difficult things to deal with in fantasy settings, as almost everyone has a different idea of how it should work. For this setting, magic is drawn from one of three sources, the divine, the user, or a conduit. The divine is quite simply, divine gifts granted by the gods and require one to be devoted to that god to use those gifts. User-driven magics are fueled by either an innate magical ability, or a connection with the natural forces, or perhaps even a far different source altogether, but all the same it is purely focused through the user and costs them physically in some way. Conduits are physical objects that act as channels for magic, and as such are more often than not, the safest and easiest way for one to use magic, but generally are limited by factors such as the durability of the object. Magic(Power) - Going with a less high-fantasy level here, in that while magic is present in setting, and can be used effectively, the feats of sorcery that you read about in D&D and such will not be common here. Greater feats of magic require multiple users to pool their resources, and while it may be possible for a single individual to cast an epic-level spell, it is generally at great cost. If in doubt, refer to Rule #6. Here's a scale below from a game called Log Horizon, which serves as an easy guide to what is the limit of acceptable: [quote=Log Horizon] Action Level Magic - is magic stimulated by a single action. It occurs when one uses magic similar to how they would use a weapon. For example, the spell Mind Bolt's execution is similar to how one would shoot an arrow. Most of the magic of Mage-type classes are Action Level Magic, regardless of their power. Battle Level Magic - is magic that can be used to decide the result of a single battle. This magic allows one to decide the fate of himself, his allies and his enemies. An example of which is the spell Astral Hypnos that, if used at the right time, can push a group of enemies at the brink of defeat. Tactical Level Magic - is magic that can affect two to three battles at the same time. Legendary spells cast by a group of Sorcerers is said to belong to this group.[/quote] Gods - In a lot of fantasy settings, the gods are real beings who can influence the world's events through either their own power or the power of their faithful. While I'm not opposed to people bringing in the gods of their nations in a more than religious role, there will have to be restrictions in order to prevent powerplaying. Gods of nations/species may be only one of two types, metaphysical or physical. Metaphysical gods are what most are often seen as, ethereal beings that observe from an astral plane, and generally only interact with those who allow them to be heard. That's the role this type will be serving, in that they will be unable to manifest their power except through their chosen people, and even then, it will not be to the scale seen in most fantasy books. Physical gods are not as restricted in what they are capable of doing, as they have a physical presence on the mortal plane. This means they can interact with any entity, even those who are not their faithful, and can manifest their power however they wish. However, these gods are mortal, and when their body is destroyed, they are gone forever. That's all for now, though I will very likely add onto this OOC in the future, but for now, let's create a grand story that we can all be proud of.