[u][b]Character Sheet:[/b][/u] [u]Character's Name:[/u] Arsenio Forneus [u]Nicknames:[/u] Arsen (Because Arsenio is a mouthful, just don't call him 'Arse', he hates that) [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Appearance:[/u] [img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/120/0/7/kumagawa_misogi_by_leonel098-d4y19zv.jpg] [u]Special Skills:[/u] Military training, piloting training [u]Genetic Type:[/u] Extended [u]Personality:[/u] Arsen sees life as a meritocracy, a game with rules where those with ability earn power. He doesn't believe in passion, to him, people only selfishly like what they're good at and selfishly dislike what they're bad at. Everything comes down to ability, so passion is a false ideal. He likes piloting because he's good at it. Life is a competition so he sees every one of his peers as potential rivals. Because of this mindset, he is surprisingly obedient to authority compared to other Extendeds, though extremely abusive and condescending to anyone below him in rank or ability. He knows how to act sociable and friendly, but he reserves this for his superiors. In a large group setting, his personality can often be seen flipflopping between being humble and acquiescent to his superiors and arrogant and stubborn to his inferiors. This is not multiple personality disorder though, he simply grades everyone he sees, and behaves accordingly. [u]History:[/u] Arsenio's past and records have been erased by the Extended Project. He lived in an orphanage, but the secret program filled out the requisite paperwork and took custody of him. Among the other Extended candidates at Lodonia Lab, Arsenio was given a new name, brainwashed and subjected to various surgical, psychological and chemical enhancements. He had shown higher performance compared to his peers initially, giving him a superiority complex, but as the program dragged on, the overseers found that he had peaked, while the others continued to grow and improve. Considering Arsenio something of a failure, they continued to train the ones they viewed had more potential, and transferred Arsenio to Onogoro Island as a test pilot for the G-Project. Because the G-Project and the Astray programs were intended for the production of mass-produced mobile suits that could be piloted by Naturals, Arsenio's value lay in his mediocrity as a bridge between the ultra-talented Extendeds and Coordinators and the Naturals. Arsenio has been at the island since, assigned to the first suit and main test-bed of the prototype Gundam series, the Duel Gundam. [u]Other:[/u] His Extended 'quirk'/coping mechanism is OCD. He deals with the chaos of battle and social interaction with extreme alone time, arranging chess pieces, lining up pencils, straightening furniture, etc. His personal belongings consist of a stash of traditional table-top board and card games. Though he has no one to play with, he sometimes plays one-player games like Solitaire, or will play with himself as multiple players. He does not have multiple personality disorder. [u]Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:[/u] [url=http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/GAT-X102_Duel_Gundam]GAT-X102 Duel Gundam[/url] [u]Appearance:[/u] [img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120328221645/gundam/images/thumb/1/17/Gat-x102.jpg/300px-Gat-x102.jpg] [u]List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons:[/u] [indent]-[b]2X "Igelstellung"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS:[/b] Mounted in the Duel's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. Although it is classified as an anti-air weapon, these light projectile weapons can be used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles. - [b]2X Beam Saber:[/b] Mounted in the backpack, these are the primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating. - [b]57mm High-energy Beam Rifle:[/b] Despite having the same name as Strike Gundam's beam rifle, this rifle used by Duel is of a different design and has an additional underslung grenade launcher. This is the suit's main ranged combat weapon and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating. It is mounted on the side skirt when not in use. - [b]175mm Grenade Launcher:[/b] Fitted underneath the barrel of the beam rifle. This weapon did not see much use, but could presumably fire a variety of grenades. [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110606094854/gundam/images/3/3f/Gat-x102-beamrifle.jpg] - [b]350mm "Gáe Bulg" Rail bazooka:[/b] A projectile weapon that uses electromagnetic forces to launch the projectile. Originally developed for the Duel Gundam, [s]it was taken for use by the Astray Gold Frame[/s]. (since it's possible the Gold Frame does not steal this weapon in our timeline, I may end up keeping it) [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101118093726/gundam/images/b/b2/Hyper_Bazooka.png] - [b]Shield:[/b] The same shield as used by Strike Gundam, it does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Duel's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective. [img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110606095101/gundam/images/f/f1/Gat-x102-shield.jpg][/indent] I will keep this weapon/equipment list updated with impending future upgrades (like the assaultshroud armor add-on :hehe) I can also put the pictures into hiders if they're annoying.