[b]Name:[/b] William Erholtz [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Faction:[/b] Hunter [b]Appearance:[/b] His bushy mess of black hair tends to be what most people focus on. His bushy eyebrows sit atop dark squinty eyes over a small crooked nose that never healed right after being broken a few times. His face is sharp and angular, with a small spattering of stubble that will never grow into a proper beard. He's a fit guy who stands at 5'11", too skinny to be called big, but not enough to be considered gangly. [b]Short History:[/b] (I GUESS THIS ISN'T THAT SHORT IN HINDSIGHT, SORRY) [hider=At the age of eight, William killed his parents]Okay, well no, but that's what he likes to tell people anyway. The truth is that William witnessed the murder of his parents when he was only ten. It had been a petty criminal, and from that day on, William swore revenge on all criminals. Okay, no, that's Batman. Truly, honestly (and this is truth), William's parents were killed in the same way a lot of people were killed: the infection. William was born in a small boring no-name town in Connecticut. He grew up into a boring mundane life with boring mundane parents. He found himself to be a thrill-seeker when he was younger, often doing any dare that was posed to him by his friends. Even then, William didn't need dares to dangerous things. He sought endlessly to change his boring mundane life into something that was exciting. He took up smoking, only quitting after it caused him to puke his guts out a few too many times. He pushed people around, hurting both his friends and enemies alike. He got into fights often, he stole, he vandalised, and he climbed that one tree that towered over his school. Of course, he fell off it and ended up in the hospital, but that didn't change William's behavior. William's parents became obviously worried about their kid and why he seemed to desire putting his life in danger. They put him into counseling of all kinds. Was he suicidal? No. Was there someone bullying him? No. Was his mind all there? Somehow, yes. William started to not care for his parents much. Not only were they endlessly boring, but their continued efforts to "correct" him were infuriating. Eventually, William found his ticket to a more exciting life. The infection! His family managed to survive for a little while, eventually finding safety in a quarantine zone. But this isn't what William wanted. Finally, the world had become everything but mundane, but still he was forced to do the most mundane thing possible. There were complications, eventually. Fights broke out. Factions rose up. It was becoming obvious that the quarantine zones weren't as safe as everyone hoped, but William still desired to make a life outside the zone's walls. After his father was killed in a particularly nasty riot, William saw his opportunity. He abandoned his mother to leave the quarantine zone with a group of like-minded individuals. They had similar aspirations as William, but no amount of ambition prepared them for the outside world. Many in that initial group would eventually die, but William was one of the ones to survive. Surviving outside of the zones would never be simple; Killing or enslaving others to ensure your own survival, battling the infected, and preying on the weak would become the norm for many. Thankfully for William, he had no problem with losing his humanity. Over the years, William has been many things: ex-military, a smuggler, a hunter, a killer, sometimes just a survivor. He enjoys making up stories about himself and has told so many lies that some of them have blurred into truths. He's a hard guy to work with, often referred to as crazed, eccentric, and just plain odd. He's a big talker who finds the strangest things amusing and who has lost any sense of privacy. He will touch and grab and yell and push and do whatever to just about anybody, damn the consequences.[/hider] [b]Weapons:[/b] - A semi-automatic assault rifle of some bloody kind - 9mm pistol (small, simple, classic) - A bladed weapon; Probably a machete [b]Other Equipment:[/b] - Generic Gear (Such as food, water, clothing). He's got a good amount of supplies on his person for the moment, basically. - As for something unique, he's got riot gear for the torso only, and a locket he keeps on his person at all times.