Okay, so this is how paintball is going to work: You guys are going to creep around doing whatever - you can hit as many random not-actual-players (NPCs) as you want, but don't be excessive. However, you will not see each other at all or hit each other unless I PM you. I will be putting scenarios in a hat and randomly drawing it and then I will PM the person who the action will be performed by. A hit to the chest will be a killing strike and the ones hit in the chest will be down for the rest of that Battle, but if hit in an arm or leg it means your chances of surviving is less likely and two slips of a chest-strike for you will be placed in the hat. Now, they are not always hits. Sometimes they will be a sighting or a getaway. Now, I comprised a basic scoring sheet that is only relevant to actual players. You get no points for hitting a non player. Arm Hit: 1 Point Leg Hit: 2 Point Chest-Strike: 3 Point Headshot: 3 Point and the satisfaction of causing someone pain