[B]Suehania[/B] The odds of a raid could not be any higher; every Suehan worth his salt knew that. The combination of extant factors, such as strict arms control, complacency in the Crayven Core lands, the glacial pace of Crayven adaptation to Suehan tactics, Suehan cavalry superiority and two new factors, namely unprecedented internal stability, raid profitability, and a very cold Autumn (hinting at an even colder Winter) to prevent any sort of retaliation till Spring or later meant that this was the best chance Kunungr Arminahz was ever going to get to permanently leave his mark on history and propel his ferocious confederation from a backwater northern collection of tribes to the station it deserved, a place among all the great nations of the world, and to assume their stature. If he was ever to lay a weight to break this camel’s back, it was now. The Kunungr had been preparing for this moment his whole reign. Every year about this time he would call for a mass mobilization of the horsemen, sometimes followed with minor action, sometimes none at all. The Gothis complained then, but all saw the purpose now. Assembled around his humble city, an equal number to its population of trained horsemen. 9,000 Ridonjar, 1,000 Valkyrja, and not the least, all 2,000 of the Marahuskarlar, among them his two sons Thiudareiks and Audawakrs, in glittering mail and scail. The enormous giant of a man, even for a Suehan, stood at 7’2”, and through this physical presence and his inherent authority, had turned the raving bands into a disciplined and well regulated force, at least by Suehan standards. No warrior would charge unless ordered by his superior, and him by his superior, and that was as good as any one man could hope to accomplish in a single lifetime. At this point he issued down the chain of command the rules of engagement: “If a town surrenders, it is to be treated well. Only food enough for reasonable provision and valuables are to be taken. However, if it resists at all, food, human slaves, valuables are all fair game. For every one of us they kill, exact vengeance tenfold on the population. It is well within our interest to convince them that surrender is worth our time. Arrow resupply will be minimal at best, so the 90 each Ridonr leaves here with will have to suffice. No wasted shots, aim for the softer spots to preserve the arrowheads. ” He looked at his subordinates, and smiled “And ride faster than the northern wind. Hiyah!” As he galloped off to lead the horde, his officers picked up a chant. “WES THU HAIL! WES THU HAIL! WES THU HAIL!” This passed down to the soldiers, and all 12,000 were chanting in one voice. “WES THU HAIL! WES THUS HAIL! WES THU HAAAAAAAAAAAIL FRAWJON!” The plan the Kunungr had set it place called for looping around to the east; normal Suehan raids took the shortest path possible and so the people and the soldiers there had come to expect it. By looping east and coming back west, they would cut across virgin land, untouched by their hooves. The icy wind of the gods was about to blow across Crayvenhart, bringing snow, ice, and [I]arrows.[/I]