Drinks flowed as the night went on, and Arco listened to Caelyn's story. "Lad ye be havin' me thanks for hearin' me out. I know it's not a tale full of splendor and gold, but it be me own." Shortly after telling his story to his new "animal" companions, Arco told his story of how the fae came to be in his companion. "Ah, saddens me heart to hear that someone is ready for their maker only to be brought back, tis a cruel fate to be playing with the Gods' realm. And ye little one, yer probably the toughest of us all. To think of all ye went through," Caelyn got a bit choked up and cleared his throat. "I say we all have a drink to our trials, the paths we each have taken to get to this place. Maybe its a bit o' fate that brought us all here, aye?" Almost as if reading Caelyn's mind a young woman approached and apologized for the wrong doings of the other alchemist. "Lass, your voice may be a bit unsure, but your heart isn't. Loyalty is a fleeting thing now-a-days lass, and to see that kind of courage does me heart well. I meself have had loyalty end in bad for me as well. But don't ye be worryin' none, he may be seen vicious, but this one's heart is good to be sure. Don't be volunteerin' your life for that of someone else's folly. It may seem honorable, but what good would ye be doin' dead? I'm for thinkin' yer much more useful alive." Caelyn winked at her. "Aye Arco lad I be knowin' what it is to be tryin' to make restitutions, perhaps let this lass help, if the fae be sayin its ok?" Caelyn assured with a nod. He didn't know if it was all the drink, or perhaps just being in Arco's presence but something about this place made Caelyn optimistic. Figuring it was a bit of both he put the tankard back up to his lips and sat back to listen to the conversation more. For the first time in almost a year Caelyn was finding some measure of peace. That is.... until the sound of a "THUD!" smacked the door. And immediately after the shout of a dwarf could be heard "What the...." Grombrindol burst into the inn. "Caelyn lad, there is a note out here and something else ye should be seein'." Caelyn rose to his feet with a bit of urgency and all the evening ale rushed to his head. Caelyn took a moment to regain his composure, and hurried out the door. That's where he saw it. A note attached to a severed head belonging to Tomas. It read [I]Caelyn: This fool failed me, but the others I am sending won't. We know where you are, and I WILL get back what is mine -P[/I].