Carissa looked to Free who was obviously a little out of the loop when it comes to spraying for cash. "Contracts are [i]really[/i] easy so don't be discouraged. You just have to do what the client wants then you can get money to live off of. It's not like actually artistry when you have to come up with a concept that will hopefully both anger and intrigue people then you have to actually execute it. You'll get the hang of this in no time." She said in a reassuring voice. As much as she hated contracts she did have to admit that it was a lot easier than her own work. They didn't exactly have to be masterpieces. She then turned to Sass, who had given her some info on what to say to Ethan at his place. "Awesome, I will pass on the info to him later tonight." She smiled under her bandanna, glad she could cut in an old friend on this deal. She nodded towards Sass and vaulted out the window she used to get in. It was then that she finally looked at the contract she had in her hands. It was for one of the only record stores that was left in the city. The contract didn't really have much to it other than the fact that it wanted the logo and some mentions of bands that can be found at the store, while the company made the mistake of not actually listing anything Carissa had some idea of what was actually there, having been there a few times when she was in high school. "Free, just follow me and I'll tell you what's going down." She said, tossing the contract paper back to her partner as she started moving foreward.