Cold, hard steel was all Aleeis had felt for a long time. She was treated like a rabid animal for the past three years, though one they couldn't outright kill. Such an action would be unwise, during one of the bloodiest disputes the world of Arcadia had ever seen. In this day and age, inspiration and the winning move could come from anyone, at any place, at any time. And Aleeis, as impossible to believe from her frail appearance, certainly was an oddity, to those who wanted to dig deep enough into her history. The two guards to her cell shuffled uneasily, as they hadn't been given the go ahead to change shifts in a long while. One was tall and had a cruel face that had most likely seen and enjoyed many horrible acts, while the other was slightly shorter and a lot stupider. Both wore the uniforms of prison guards, and conversed amongst themselves, paying the captive no mind at all. "[i]So, why are we guarding this one and locking 'er in solitary? She seems quiet enough, if a li'l crazy. I mean, if she's so bad of a criminal, why not just kill 'er? Let 'er hang, I say. Then, we could get some food...[/i]" The tall guard humphed in slight amusement, and leaned down to his friend, "[i]You idiot, they need her. Though I don't know why. All I know is two things: One, she's murdered quite a few people in her time. One of them a high ranking Councillor. The other thing, don't, under any circumstances, let her touch you. At all. Probably, they'll do their experiments, and the people will have their corpse... Now, keep an eye on her, I'm going to find out where our replacements are. I need some food.[/i]" With that, he left the other guard to try (and fail) to ponder the weight of his words. It was a little while after this exchange that the first explosion rocked through the ship, engines screaming and metal groaning from the impact. The guard panicked, first running a few steps one way, then the other, before turning to the girl and angrily yelling at her. "[i]You did this, didn't you!?[/i]" Aleeis spoke up softly, not moving her gaze from the ground. "How could I? I'm in a cage, remember?" "[i]True...[/i]" Suddenly, she got up, and walked to the cage door, inspiration striking her. "You know, he was lying, right? Want to know why I'm here?" The guard, curious, responded suspiciously. "[i]Why?[/i]" "I stole a vast amount of gold and jewels, and I was caught. They were going to question me, and try to find it. So I'll tell you what: Help me escape, and we can look for it together. Split it fifty fifty. What do you say?" "[i]I dunno, how do I know YOU aren't lying?[/i]" Aleeis casually responded, as another boom could be heard, intermingled with screams and cries from the lower decks. "Well, I can bet you that we're being attacked by pirates right now. Why else would they attack a prison ship, if not to find me? Probably the ones who helped me steal the loot, you know." The guard paused, and thought as best as he could. "[i]That DOES make sense, I guess. Ok, I'll let you out.[/i]" With that, the cage door was unlocked, and her bindings loosened. The guard walked ahead of her, and yelled out for his friend. "[i]Hey, Mac, where are you? I worked it out, apparently the girl is-[/i]OOOOF!" With a loud thunk, the guard stood stunned for a moment, before he dropped to the ground unconscious. Aleeis standing over him with an iron pipe. "Heh, idiot...:" Without hesitation, she grabbed his pistol, and started to run through the decks, chaos everywhere as the ship was repeatedly hit with weapons fire. Crew tried to put out fires, and a very large and burly prisoner was beating a guard to death with a large shovel. The young girl ignored the cries of the dying, unsympathetic to their pain. Aleeis had her own problems. Aleeis made it to the top decks, and could see the enemy ship, firing torpedoes and drawing closer. The whole top deck was alive with movement, and a guard spun around and brought his rifle to bear on Aleeis. She casually fired off a round at him, hitting him in the chest, and jumped of the side of the ship as others opened fire on her, far too many to take on in a fight. Though Aleeis had never actually trained to properly swim, she flailed as best as she could the very moment she hit the water, and swam away from the sinking wreck. After what seemed like hours, she lost all her strength, immediately regretting this decision, as an island loomed closer, and her vision faded to black. When Aleeis came too, a horrid and ugly excuse of a man was on top of her, an unpleasant sight to wake up to. He was trying to take her clothes off, and had a foul and sinister grin on his face. Without evening questioning how she was still alive, she began to put up a fight, though weakened from her previous ordeal. It was while she decided to just let him have his way with her, that he suddenly flew off to the side, and was out cold. Another man was standing to her side, the one who had rescued Aleeis, and offering assistance. He went by the name of Sebastian, and held out his hand to help her up. Without taking it, she stood up by herself, dusted herself off and put on a cold demeanor towards him. "Thank you, for helping me. I guess you were a prisoner as well?"