Sherlock was looking at her. He didn't think she was the sort to be doing this kind of thing. He had hardly come across any female detectives before either. He did consider himself better than any of the other detectives. "Is when your in my way." Sherlock stated plainly. He huffed when he she asked if John was his boyfriend. Sherlock didn't know why people thought that. Sherlock wasn't good with people and considered John his only friend, though he didn't openly admit that much. He narrowed his eyes when she offered him food. "I don't need to eat when I am on a case, It will slow me down." "Sherlock eat something." John huffed "Doctors orders." he was smirking slightly. He knew Sherlock was stubborn and wouldn't give in so easily. He looked around "Stop trying to act like your not human." He didn't want her taking over "Work with me? " He huffed "I solve the cases and John helps me, I don't work with other detectives." He said in a rather rude manner. He never seemed aware of other peoples feelings. He didn't like the fact she was almost as smart as him. He wouldn't consider the fact she could be smarter or as smart as, IT was almost only to him. He was looking at the body and thinking for a bit. He seemed to be decuding things about the sitution. "Well aside from not needing your opinion, " he was sure he already knew the answer "Its none of them." He stated, He wasn't going to say it all at once.