[b][u]Aurora[/u] The Far South[/b] [i]Climate[/i] Aurora is a dry, desert-like nation that receives very little rain. It's never once snowed, even in the coldest reaches of winter; the temperature has never even dipped below 70°F. Spring and fall are just about the same, and are just a bit hotter than winter. Summer, though, really raises the temperature. Heat waves and droughts ravage the unprepared, while others hoard water in the coldest spots of their basements. [i]Geography[/i] As previously said, Aurora is a country built on mountains of sand. It is a land that some would call inhabitable, but those people are also fools. While many picture Aurora as an endless wasteland of sand, it is really much more than that. Some parts of Aurora are extremely rocky, like the area surrounding Devil's Arch. There are tons of oases, most of which have already had thriving cities built around them. Other than that, there are many cactuses growing in the sand, which can be a reliable source of water. Also, there are a few trees that grow, providing food, though they are spread out. Other than these separations from any old desert, Aurora is just full of dunes, ergs, and strange rock formations. [i]Landmarks[/i] The Wall [hider=The Wall][img=http://i1.trekearth.com/photos/46936/dscn5235vn86final.jpg] The Wall is a huge rock formation once thought to be part of a mountain from long ago. It appears to look like a giant wave, moving in from the the Far Southwest. In fact, it's right on the border between Aurora and the Far Southwest.[/hider] Aurora Canyon [hider=Aurora Canyon][img=http://images.boomsbeat.com/data/images/full/617/1-jpg.jpg] Aurora Canyon is a deep ravine in the center of Aurora, with a roaring river that runs through the bottom. Around the river, wildlife thrives. Deer, jackrabbits, squirrels, and even bears roam about without a care. Above all that, on ground level, there's a sturdy bridge across the canyon. This bridge is the only way to get from from one side of the capital city to the other without walking around the entire canyon. The capital of Aurora is centered around the life of the Aurora Canyon, containing both the government of Aurora and nearly all exports that go to other parts of Aurora and other nations.[/hider] Devil's Arch [hider=Devil's Arch][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Utah_Rainbow_Arch.jpg] Devil's Arch is just an old rock formation that got it's name from an urban legend. It's said that a demon waits in hiding on top of the arch, and any who walk under it are destroyed by the demon. Sometimes, though, the demon takes the form of a beautiful women who stands under the arch and lures men towards it, just to suck the life out of them from a single kiss. The most bizarre of all these stories, though, would have to be the one where the demon takes the form of a porcupine, and shoots poisoned quills at anyone that enters it's field of vision.[/hider] Moonlight Oasis [hider=Moonlight Oasis][img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DF626P6fqqo/T131ijBAXmI/AAAAAAAAIlo/OgV3tKWyg-I/s1600/oasis-night_wallpapers_29277_1280x800.jpg] Moonlight Oasis is a famous oasis near the capital of Aurora, Algiers. The government of Aurora recently made it illegal to take anything from the oasis, even a strip of bark from one of the palm trees. It is a sacred place, that must be protected so that people may enjoy it's beauty for many years to come. Moonlight Oasis gained it's name from the way the water looks on a full moon. If you can get the right angle and look at the water, it will shine brighter than the moon itself.[/hider] (I originally had more, but I lost the post and didn't have the energy to redo any more than this. It wasn't much more anyway, so I suppose it doesn't matter much.)