Sherlock huffed, He was sure that he was right. He hated it when women always thought they were right. Sherlock was hardly ever wrong. Even when he was wrong he didn't admit it, nor did he ever seem to apolgize. Many people thought he was arrogant, He knew that and didn't ever seem to care what others thought of him. He was keeping alert and looking for more clues. He was very alert as he looked around. He noticed that she didn't even wait to see what he was going to say, He didn't think she was that into the case if she wasn't going to stick around to wait to see what he had to say. Well if she was going to be that way. Then he might as well try get some more clues. He looked around to examine what else he could. He was rather interested in this case. He wished he didn't have to share it with her. "MIght as well go discuss it with her," John told him "You are going to have to get used to working with her." John knew Sherlock wasn't going to want to. He doubted Sherlock would be nice to her. The detective blinked and followed John to the cafe. He really didn't intend to be nice to her. She was in his way as far as he was concerned. She was also annoying him greatly.