[HIDER=IRONMAIDEN][B][I]NAME : [/I][/B]Penny Leta Baker [B][I]AGE : [/I][/B]21 [B][I]YEARS AT TSA : [/I][/B]1 [B][I]ARMOR TYPE/POWERS : [/I][/B] Damage Resistance/Absorbency; Penny's armor incorporates a complex structure of nano tubes that are filled with energy which allows them to reroute Kinetic and outside energy attacks to an internal storage matrix found in the structure of the suit. Once so captured this energy is either used to resist the force of other attacks as well as strengthen the structure of the suit or channeled to beam weapons systems or motive strength. (Doubling, Tripling and even Quadrupling her strength) This ability is a direct result of her own research and prioritized at present for only her suit and that of Mr. Stark's [B][I]APPEANCE[/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/99/bd/ab/99bdabbdf7bd42d6fe526bc55814df6b.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I]ARMOR APPEARENCE : [/I][/B] [IMG]http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17ozx21soewi8jpg/ku-xlarge.jpg[/IMG][/Center] [B][I]ARMOR NICKNAME :: [/I][/B]Iron Maiden [B][I]BIO : [/I][/B] Penny was born somewhere in Rochester New York though the exact day and place are unknown. A Fondling she was named Penny Baker and later chose to add the name Leta At age 11 Penny won first prize at her school district's science fair for her work on memory metals. She might have taken state or nationals but didn't have the funds to attend. At 13 Penny was advanced to high school where her intellect and curiosity still remained restlessly unfulfilled. It was there that she was seen by a young researcher tasked with attending a job fair who worked for Stark International. He was stunned when such a young girl was suddenly quizzing him on the nano structures of carbon tubes and he couldn't answer but half her questions. He reported to his supervisor that he'd found a possible candidate for Stark's advanced scholarship but that she was only 13 years old. Director Mitchell not the type to dismiss the findings of his subordinates arranged to meet with Penny at her school accompanied by her case worker. He expected her to be bright as his subordinate had said but when he asked her questions she was quick to answer them and he soon found himself being quizzed by her. Her hunger for knowledge was astounding and her ability to grasp theory and expand quickly on the subject staggering. He knew he'd definitely found a candidate for the program but he also knew that she was beyond any found that year or the previous years he'd over seen the program. Stark International used it's corporate power to wrest control of Penny from the state and move her to the MIT campus as Dr. Mitchell's ward. Her testing scores were off the charts and she breezed thru the core courses in a little under 6 months. Penny turned 14 the day she received her bachelor's in Applied Physics and Mathematics By age 16 Penny was doing under graduate work on of Stark's many DARPA projects and at 17 had her own DARPA lab in Trenton New Jersey building cutting edge Nano factories some note intended for use outside of the company. Dr. Mitchell was by now Penny's surrogate father and his lover Fred Wilson a pilot for Stark industries her uncle. They had both spent all their free time possible making sure that Penny grew up as normal as possible. They had watched as she blossomed from a tall gawky 13 year old to a young woman of devastating beauty. They had thought that. They'd need to comfort her through the pains of teen love but it never happened as Penny could never identify with kids her own age which kept boy and girls out of the picture. At 19 they thought she'd finally discovered love when her wardrobe shifted from functional to well revealing. When Fred tried to get Penny to spill her love interests new name he was floored to find out that there was none and her clothing choices were picked for her by a professional shopper she'd hired as her hair was the choice of her hair dresser. Penny admitted that she did enjoy on some levels the attention she now gathered from others but that till her project was finished she didn't have the time to pursue any course of romance with male or female. When the attack went down in New York at the newly built Stark tower Dr. Mitchell was gravely injured by the alien forces and spent several months in hospital recovering. This near loss of her surrogate father changed Penny and when she heard that Stark was starting the Armor Corps she volunteered immediately. She was accepted of course but only if she continued on as one of the schools research scientists, she agreed. Her entry was delayed by one year due to the necessity of finishing her last project in Trenton which was important to the Iron man project [B][I]PERSONALITY : [/I][/B]Dedicated, Trustworthy, Loyal, Caring and Confident [B][I]OTHER : [/I][/B][/HIDER]