Jackson looking up at the Mutant replied calmly " We all live and we all die, If it's my time its my time, maybe this will be the last mission i undertake maybe not. So i guess i'm like yourself it doesn't bother me but at the same time i do fear it, as you know humans can take less damage than people like you" Jackson had always tried to make any Mutant that was smart enough not to kill without cause feel as a normal person..i mean they were human once weren't they? he hard heard stories of where they came from but no one knew if it were true. maybe he could find out during the trip --- He was brought back to reality by a face he had seen before..but where? it was a good sized tow so there where plenty of people but this was on the outskirts. then he remembered he was talking to Rina last night in the bar before she went off with that lass, old contact maybe? He would have to ask when he gets the chance as he doesn't want a legion spie or one of mr v that is too close to the group, but then again maybe he was just being paranoid probably just a local that leaves near by, At 0730 his pipboy sounded telling him it was time..but they was still one short Randall that legion fellow, He hadn't seen him since everyone went their separate ways last night. he better be here on time as they had no time to waste. Jackson gathered everyone that was hear around. "has anyone seen that Former legionary Randall? as time is pressing and i need to brief you all on the plan" His voice sounded harsher than normal maybe due to the foreboding of the mission or the fact he wasn't in the mood for any bullshit and wanted to get this done as quickly as possible.