"I have no more orders," Aleks spoke calmly, a soft smile residing on his face, "Just a friendly advice." His smile turned into a smirk as he finished his sentence. He saw an opening in her eyes - she was ticked off by his friendly remark from before. [i]Fine, then so be it...[/i] - "Do not underestimate those men. They might even pull one on you if you're not careful." She had to recognize the mockingly satisfied expression on his face. He brushed the smirk away fast away. "Good," he went on, not stopping to give her enough time to retaliate, "I guess it is a positive thing that you're not asking for the money to buy it. I suppose you can take care of that yourself." With one swift move, Aleks stood up and walked towards his gray suit jacket that was hung near the door. Out of its inner pocket, he took a pen and since he was there already, put it on. Approaching Lilith, he got down on his knee to write something down on a piece of paper. It was a ten-digit number belonging to his personal cellphone. Only few people knew that number, so that way he could be sure that the text would indeed be from her, without even needing to take the phone out. Ripping that part of the paper, he offered it to Lilith, still on his knee. He waited for her to take the paper, before getting up. "Me? I don't think you should worry about that. Your task should be more of a priority," he smiled as he escorted her to the door, "But I'll indulge you - I have to take care of a few things, making sure that we are able to continue killing without raising suspicion right off the bat." Aleks would stay in the apartment for a while longer, both of them going out at the same time could be troublesome in the long run.