Taking a few creative liberties here. Let me know if you approve or not. [b]Name:[/b] Golesh Pheppos Xenophon [i]('Father Xenophon')[/i]. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 6'4" and 240lbs. [b]Race:[/b] Lanostran. [b]Appearance:[/b] The most distinctive thing about Xenophon's appearance is the extreme disfigurement of his face. It is a charred, mangled mess of molten flesh, robbing him of any visual appeal he might have had ([i]think of the Ghouls of the Fallout series[/i]), a result of an ether experiment gone wrong. It is something he hides behind a hand-crafted, crudely stitched mask that he has adopted as his new face in public. The only two reference points of normality left in his visage are his eyes -- hard and blue, like the worst of the skin-flaying blizzards. The rest of his head is also burned and mostly hairless, leading to Xenophon wearing a hooded cloak at all times. Almost nobody knows what he looks like. Besides his aberrant appearance, he also draws attention through sheer size. Xenophon is unusually tall for a Lanostran (few Varyans could hope to match his height) which makes him stand out even more. Like all of the inquisitors, he wears the traditional garb, augmented with a heavier breastplate and more leather armoring than most, considering his adopted role as a heavily combat-oriented battlepriest. [url=http://i.imgur.com/SOKPfMG.png]Reference image.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Xenophon is considered by his peers to be a "hard bastard" in every way. His ruthless, unwavering dedication to the duties of his role as inquisitor and the empire of Varya are exemplary. His particular brand of faith is inspired by his Lanostran upbringing. Xenophon worships the combined aspects of Lanostre and Varya as the God of War, the Great Devourer, the driving force that has turned the art of combat into the art of conquest. As such, he respects nothing but power and dominion over lesser things. Compassion is utterly lacking in Xenophon and he looks down on those who extend mercy to their foes. This attitude makes it difficult for him to create friendships with others (not to mention his abominable appearance), something he doesn't particularly care for. Xenophon prefers respect and fear to camaraderie. [b]Background:[/b] Born into the warrior-caste of Lanostre, Xenophon was trained from a young age in the martial arts by his parents. He lived a simple life of training, sparring and rigorous study, learning how to wield several weapons, eventually finding his calling with the bastard sword -- the weapon's flexibility and potential appealed to him. When his higher-than-normal pool of ether was discovered, he was selected for training within the Red Seminary, much to the pride of his parents. Without flinching, Xenophon resolutely rose to the challenge and his prodigious physical growth, iron will and spectacular discipline made him a favorite among the combat trainers. It quickly became clear that he was utterly unfit to be a priest of the people, so the focus of his training at the Seminary was on the development of his martial and ethereal skills. That's when the accident happened. In a completely unexpected turn of events, the ethereal power that Xenophon was blessed with upon his ordainment turned out to be the creation and manipulation of [i]fire[/i], something that immediately consumed and disfigured his face in the initial burst of flames as Xenophon discovered his power. Hospitalized for weeks, many at the Seminary wrote Xenophon off -- surely he wouldn't recover from this? Alas, Xenophon proved them wrong, and he rose like a phoenix from the ashes, undaunted by what had happened. He created a mask to hide his face, wore a cloak to hide his head, and finished his training with distinction. Eventually he learned to control the volatile nature of his spells and now exists as one of the most singularly dangerous inquisitors that has graduated from the Red Seminary in years. [b]Talents/Ethereal Abilities:[/b] As a Lanostran, Xenophon is a prodigious warrior that excels at close-combat. He wields a bastard sword (also known as a hand-and-a-half sword), a blade that can be wielded in either one hand or both. Other than his excellent swordsmanship, Xenophon has little other talents -- he is not particularly intelligent, absolutely not charming, has no mind for overall strategy and knows few practical skills other than stitching and basic armor and weapon maintenance. However, his ethereal skill, the creation and manipulation of fire, is exceedingly potent and makes him that much more dangerous in combat. Within the vaguely-defined distinctions there are of the different types of Inquisitors the Red Seminary produces, Xenophon identifies as a battle-priest, a highly skilled warrior who leads soldiers into visceral, brutal combat, bellowing litanies of worship and bringing the wrath of Varya himself onto his foes. [b]Character Relationships:[/b] TBD.