Aya was lead through the now crowding school to her classroom by Kimiko. The whole way, Aya made sure to remember various landmarks so she can find her way again as they went up stairs and walked through hallways. Soon they reached their classroom. "Oh, they haven't started yet.. They must be waiting for the other transfer students to show up." Kimiko led Aya towards the back of the room, by the window. Here's my seat, it just so happens that this one beside it is free." she offered. Aya gladly accepted the offer and sat down at the desk next to her. Glancing around the classroom, it was now painfully obvious that she was stuck in some sort of Anime school drama, as all the cliche elements. Girls with ridiculous proportions and hair colors, the overexagerrated expressions and emotions, and the typical set of male characters all confirmed Aya's suspicion. Once again, she got a few stares and whispers, but nobody was sigifigant;y reacting to her, so Aya was a bit relieved by that. She decided to get some more information about the world around her by talking to her new found friend. "So, what's the teacher like? I haven't heard much about him so I'm a bit in the dark. " Aya asked Kimiko