A job done completely right always tended to end on a sour note. And if it ended any other way than fleeing the scene of the crime after the fifteenth time checking for any traces of his handiwork he might have left behind, dodging a couple of thorough guards, hiding in a small cramped space for an unconceivable amount of time and checking out of his hotel room,all not necessarily in that order, then Chared might have been worried As it was, nothing had gone terribly wrong and the little time he had to relax in Nicaragua was nice and the hispanic locals were friendly, but not overbearing, prefering to not ask questions where they knew they were not welcomed. He spoke the language decently anyway. Yes, it was very nice though he much less enjoyed having to lug around his luggage while dressed in the most grockle of shorts and the most nauseatingly bright of damned shirts. Well, blending in with the other greenhorned agog tourists was better than sticking out like a sore thumb among the more practically dressed locals. After all, he had endured worse to evade combat trained experienced body guards, the national police force wasn't about to be his undoing. It was his own fault though, having lingered a little too long to gloat. Then having to climb through a freaking jammed window when the maid of all people to have access to a suite decided to come and 'clean up'. He swore her screams were still ringjng in his ears accompanied by the sounds of sirens and lots of shouting. In his haste, he checked out a little too early quickly. As if he hadn't had enough suspicion on him already. The whole force was now practically combing the entire island looking for the man who had booked and stayed in the single suite at the Tola hotel. Not very much information, but even having that information in the hands of the national guard unsettled him. It was all, incredibly sloppy of him. Running a hand through his auburn hair, he had ditched the itchy wig, he sighed softly to himself. He was getting sloppy. Maybe he just needed to relax a little more and get back his groove. Unfortunately, it looked like vacationing in Nicaragua was out of the question as he moved along with the unsuspecting crowd. Clueless at least until the loud spanish shouts broke through the excitable bustle of the crowd, followed by english spoken warnings that quieted and parted them aside for the navy blue dressed police who very slowly made their way through. Stopping to check pockets of obvious tourists, requesting to see their hotel keys and bookings, dismissing the large families and honeymooning couples. He wasn't about to wait around like a sitting duck, turning away and edging through the crowd away from all the commotion. Keeping his pace relaxed and his shoulders slumped and slack, pretending to be overly interested in one of the older buildings scattered around. Even when he was sure he could hesr a shout in his general direction, calling for him to stop in both spanish and english, he kept walking. Using the crowd and tricky corners to his advantage, though keeping the same relaxed step. Admitting anything would be suicide at this point. Even as they closed in on him, he kept his pace steady.