Is that Old English? It looks more Norse to me. The phenomena of languages is changing even today. Take terms like "twerk" or "lol" into consideration - these were unknown ten or so years ago. At the same time, words like "ye", "verily" and even "henge" have vanished from modern syntax. Yet, despite our vast knowledge and advanced social dynamics, we have some of the worst communication skills when compared to animals. In Wolf, a growl means "Go away", regardless of what country it's from. And most animals understand it, too. Owls have about five different calls, all of which mean differant things, yet they all understand each other without being taught. Even now, I can hear two birds calling to each other - they know what they're saying, as will every other bird in the species. But I don't know, and if you started talking to me in a foriegn language, I wouldn't know what you were saying. We have so much that animals don't have, yet they can communicate better. And it's all down to one thing - association. Dogs learn tricks because they are given treats. They associate the treat with the word "sit" and the action of sitting down. Thus, they see a pattern - word "sit" plus sitting down equals treat. In the same way, we associate words with their meanings. We don't need treats - well, most of us don't - to learn new words, but if I said "I'm making a cake. Would you like a slice?" then every word in that sentence is analysed and assigned an association by the subconcious part of the brain. You roughly translate it into "The source - HazmatLyra - is going to create a sweet-tasting pastry and is offering me a part of said pastry" If you were told a cake was, say, a diamond from a young age, you would call a cake a diamond. You'd give people bits of birthday diamond, have a huge diamond at your wedding and have a habit of snacking on diamond. At least, that's what your brain thinks, because it associates the sweet taste of the cake with the image of a cake and associates them with the word diamond. So yeah, language is weird. :)