The city of Erlenbis was something new to Kalista, she had not been to a single human settlement since before the end of the war. Everyone seemed so paranoid and racism seemed to run rampant. Kalista Tugged the hood of her cloak tight around her head to hide her hair and unnaturally tinged skin. She could hear the town crier screaming his anti elf propaganda, but paid it no mind. Her parts and herself were likely to run into many people of like mind to this fool. She cast glances over her shoulder at her two companions Darth and Korbin. She just hoped they didn’t have a different reaction to the call for genocide. Kalista tilted her eyes up to look at building signs trying to find a inn, hopefully one that wasn’t narrow minded or if it was usually inkeeps were susceptible to gold. She kept her head down though so that no one could see the blue tinge to her face, because surely that would bring unwanted attention to herself and her companions.