[IMG=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070831161006/finalfantasy/images/6/63/FFTA2-Irua.jpg] [B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] Luna Laciel [B][U]Age[/U]:[/B] 17 [B][U]Gender[/U]:[/B] Female [B][U]Species/Race[/U]:[/B] Lunar [B][U]Powers[/U]:[/B] • Sickle Travel: Luna can summon a sickle moon-shaped craft, on which she can sit and travel quickly. The moon craft is much like the magic carpet from the movie [B]Aladdin[/B], and will not allow you to board onto it if you feel fear or doubt. • Full Moon Shine: She can create a artificial light source similar to how the moon works: as a mirror. This light can illuminate dark rooms with a leak of light or can be used as a precise pointer. However, whenever Luna uses it, she is drained of massive amounts of energy and sometimes become inebriated randomly. Guess it comes with the name... [B][U]Weaknesses[/U]:[/B] • Sunlight: One of the key reasons why people mistake her for being a vampire, Luna cannot stand the sun's bright rays. However, it does not harm her, it just weakens her celestial powers and dampens her usually bright glow. • Darkness: Ironically, the space she is supposed to light up is a dampener of her lunar abilities, causing the effects of her powers to be obsolete. [B][U]Personality[/U]:[/B] Luna has two personalities, dependent on the time of day. In the morning all till noon, she is grouchy and aggressive, unwilling to put up with anyone. As the day moves on, she begins to adopt a calmer and more polite persona, rather sweet and flirtatious. [B][U]Background[/U]:[/B] She is the spawn of the Man on the Moon, and was found as a baby by astronauts looking for rock samples, the space federation adopted her and realized that even though they had found her breathing on the moon, she was much more supernatural than they hoped. They gave her to an expert in the supernatural, a witch by the name of Sunny Laciel, who had raised her and sent her off to the Academy three years ago so she could be with others like her. [B][U]Study[/U]:[/B] Core Classes: English, History, Physics Electives: Art, Choir, Student Body Government Three!~