[center][u][b][i][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/29291/posts/ooc?page=1#post-842020]OOC IS HERE.[/url][/i][/u][/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/xoYmUDK.png][/center] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Quest]Galaxy Quest[/url], a 1999 movie parodying Star Trek and its [url=http://www.questarian.com/]fandom[/url] in a comedically affectionate manner, is about a cancelled science fiction TV series that an alien race mistakes for the real thing. Said alien race then shanghais the clueless actors into crewing their interstellar ship (a perfect replica of Galaxy Quest (the TV show)'s [i]NSEA Protector[/i]) to fight a war for them. It's wonderful and amazing and I'd love to do an RP in a similar vein. The players would portray the actors [and perhaps a genre-savvy fan or two] of a popular cancelled TV series (called, I don't know, [i]Battletrek SG-5[/i]) about the adventures of a starship in the mildly-distant future. Opening at a Battletrek convention, the RP would proceed as the characters suddenly (and with enormously cheesy special effects) find themselves on board a starship with no explanation. The ship, a perfect replica of the SG-5, is crewed by hundreds of mute clones, ready to follow the orders of the characters. In the middle of figuring out what the heck is going on, the viewscreen opens up; an alien ship is calling, demanding to know why they've violated the Aegean Neutral Zone. ================================================= Anybody interested? I'm also seeking a co-gm to help come up with plot ideas, fill in for me when I'm not here, and RP some NPC's.