"Well I remember [i]you[/i], but not your family name. To be honest; the reason I remember you is probably your pink hair, it makes you stand out. I don't think I've even seen anyone else with your hair color. To be honest, I have trouble keeping track of all these noble families. It's nothing like my days on the road. The people out in the country have much smaller and easier to pronounce names anyway. I didn't need a flow chart to remember who was related to who and how, or who didn't like who because of this or that. Honestly, how do you remember all this stuff? Is there some kind of trick, or does everyone just pretend they remember all this stuff? Because honestly, I don't think a group of complete idiots could keep all that information straight. Hell, that guard knew who you were on sight, I found that pretty impressive" Nathan answered. "Who are the Ryste...Rysti...your family again?