[i]The castle of Akinner, in the nation of Abrigandia[/i] A man walked up and down in a hall that was filled with multiple people all dressed intensely different. The man had horns on his head that curled and a cape as he wore almost pure black. He was known as Loki in his world. "How could you let this happen?! You realize with the early activation of the spell it didn't just grab the troops and soldiers and people we wanted but it also grabbed multiple others. Not to mention the portal is not a two way portal! It's still active for goodness sake!" he yelled at the man on the throne who had his hood over his head. "Calm down Loki." said a woman who was dressed in almost all black as well with a black cape, but she had a staff. Her voice was cold and callous. "It is not his fault, these things happen." she said. Loki glared at her intensely. "Maleficent is right you know." Said another man's voice. It was deep and dark. This man was bald with multiple tattoos and signs all over his face and his bare chest. Thankfully though he was wearing pants. He was known as Cardalo in his realm, he was a master of silence and dark magic as well as hand to hand combat. "Our armies still got through, most of them at least, and they got through without many of them dying. The only ones who died were the idiots who didn't follow directions." he said. "Indeed" said a deep voice as another man spoke up. He was wearing purple and had a purple helmet on. "My soldiers are all here though." he said. "You merely brought but a few men Magneto!" Loki Exclaimed. "Now, now, no need to be harsh and aggressive towards others Loki." another voice said. The voice was very authoritative and deep, this person was large, and had cracks all over what looked like a stone body, heat rose from him at all times. He was known in his realm as Perses. Next to him sat a woman in white who rolled her eyes at the whole situation. Next to her was a man in a hood where no one could see his face. but he held a scythe, and was known as Thanatos. He nodded, "After all Loki, you brought your own daughter to fight." he said with a chuckle. Loki growled at him, "Hel will be just fine and a great asset!" he said. "Why yes Loki. she will be a great... asset." Said a voice near the throne Loki swirled to look at a man who sat there, the man was small and looked childish. He was known as, King Joffrey in his realm. "Enough of this nonsense of talk. We have a problem with other people coming in to most likely help out the people of Exterra. So let us fix it." Said a cold voice who sat on the other side of the throne. The voice belonged to a person with blue full body armor and blue eyes that you could see from his helmet. The Lich King, as he was known in his realm. "Not just people!" Loki said walking closer to the Lich King, he flicked his wrist as a picture of a large man (Garth) appeared as he landed." Old Enemies, people who I thought would be long gone and not have to deal with!" Loki exclaimed. The entire hall burst into argument after that, there was a large amount of people there, and the noise was overwhelming to the dark sorcerer. Who stood up, "SILENCE!" he yelled as the entire castle shook at his voice. "Now you all need me here, for without me your share in the precious people and minerals here will be cut! Not to mention that if I die, who then will be able to figure out a way to re-open the portal? Things happen, I had no choice. The portals went crazy because of how soon the spell was used." The sorcerer said to everyone as they glared at him. Thanatos suddenly appeared in front of him, and who's to say that we can't find a way back? Or that killing you won't just reverse it?" he said as he put his scythe in front of the Sorcerer's face. The rest of the hall mumbled in agreement. The sorcerer removed his hood revealing a middle aged face with a scar down his right eye. His eyes were blue, as he looked at Thanatos as his eyes turned red. "FOOLS!" He yelled as Thanatos was sent flying backwards into a pillar. All of the people found it was suddenly hard to move. "I am the master of this universe, I know how to bend it to my will, do you not think that if I wanted to I could just as easily kill you? You are not gods here!" he said as he looked at Thanatos. "This universe will not treat you like a god. You will die like a mortal here!" he said, "A cross realm rule is what we all hope for and it is what we shall do once this universe is conquered." he said as they all settled down. He sat down and everyone seemed to be able to move again. "For those of you who do not know me, I am Gelhart Tyre master sorcerer, we should not worry about heroes or others coming to assist Exterra. As for your hero Loki I have a plundering army of orcs and men heading his way already to weaken the defenses of the castle ahead of him. They will wipe him out on their way to the castle." Tyre continued to speak as they listened to the plan. ------------------------------ Amaron was looking over a map of the region as he was marking what had been lost and not lost, Abrigandia was completely seized by now. As well as about 13 of the multiple nations in their world. He still could hardly believe what happened, he had just barely gotten his men out of there on time. The chaos, he could still hear some men screaming as they fell all around him. There were reports of these same portals showing up all over Exterra, some with animals, and some with actual intellectual beings in them. He had no idea how it had happened or what Tyre had done. But it sent all of Exterra into chaos. He looked up at the map again, he knew they would soon be coming for his own king's castle, the Castle of Versella. It was the capital of all things in Exterra. Named after the women who founded it and united the nations together to fight off an evil once before. When Tyre rose in power he had caused this to happen again. They had almost won, they were so close too. Amaron thought. But now broken all the forces in Exterra ran back to their respective keeps to defend it. "United my ass." he said as he threw a cutting knife at the wall. It went deep into the wall as Amaron continued to look over the large map. That's when he heard the sound that he had heard at the castle right before the cyclones appeared. He ran outside his bow ready as he looked up into the sky. He saw the cyclone appear an a large man falling from it. ----------------------- Garth spun in circles in the cyclone as he saw a light in the middle he tried to stay in the middle of it. His water skin flew off of his shoulders and went towards the corner of the cyclone. It instantly burned up. "Okay then! stay in the middle then!" he said. Just as he said that he felt himself falling fast towards the ground. He had no idea where this place was it definitely wasn't the snowy mountain area he was accustomed too it was too green. But that didn't matter as it appeared he might become flat as a pancake in just a couple seconds. He slammed into the ground. Opening his eyes he saw he wasn't dead, or hurt. "Whatever the hell that was it must have come with a fail safe for when we land." he said as he stood up. That's when he heard a voice behind him. "HALT!" "WHO ARE YOU!?" he looked and saw an elf aiming a bow at him. "I Am Garth, former co-captain of my former King's Elite Guard. And who are you?" he said calmly as he got ready for a fight. "I am Amaron, where do you come from?" Amar asked. "That is really none of you-" Garth started to say before Amaron interrupted him. "SPEAK! or you will find an arrow in your head before you can take another step." Amaron yelled. Garth nodded, "I am from the northern mountains on the land of Azuria." he said. Amaron gave him a weird look, "There are no northern mountains here, nor a place called that. Not to mention the people of the north look nothing like you! What is your purpose here?" Amaron continued as he constantly moved circling Garth. "I have none, I was kind of tossed here." said Garth, who was now confused. "Last thing I know I was in Azuria fighting this strange creature wh-" Garth was cut off once again by Amaron who's eyes widened in surprise. Amaron let loose his bow, the arrow flew past Garth's head as it slammed into an orc who was jumping from a nearby tree to kill Garth. Garth quickly turned to see the troll with an arrow in his head. "You must not be aligned with Tyre then" Amaron said as he hurried over to the Orc and pulled his arrow out. "What the hell is going on here?!" Garth exclaimed looking at Amaron. "I don't know Garth but that was just a scout orc which means that-" This time Amaron was cut off by the sound of armor clinking around in woods. He looked over and focused his energy to see farther with his eyes. He looked and saw a large group of Orcs and humans coming their way. "Shoot." Said Amaron as he knocked another arrow. Garth took a step back. "I hope you know how to fight Garth of Azuria." Amaron said. It was then that an arrow came flying out of the woods at Amaron. Who started to move to dodge it. Garth's eyes turned brown as the earth itself lifted up and caught the arrow mid air before it got closer. The mound of earth settled back into place as Garth's eyes turned back to their original color. "You could say I know how to fight." he said.