Henry nodded mutely, hardly in a position to resist Gwen's orders. Granthar agreed with the girl; he could feel it through their link and now that the immediate danger was past he could feel his strength slipping away. Opting to sit down rather than feint he collapsed onto the grass next to Henrietta after ripping the spear out of the ground and lay it across his lap. "Two days and I'm already like this." He muttered to himself, checking on his injuries and estimating the time for his recovery. The result was not pleasing so he shoved it from is mind and instead tried to remain alert as possible although with the two familiars there he felt that there was little need to worry. Passed out, the kidnapper was no distraction for him although Henry still slowly crawled his way over to the limp body at Fenrir's feet. He sat for a moment to regain what little strength he had before working away at the mask the assailant wore, pulling it off his face without waking him up. A quick patting down revealed the man had a few knives hidden on him so Henry threw them a fair distance away before he fully removed the mask. "...Gerald?" He whispered as he saw the young man's face under the mask, swearing to himself. [i]You know him?[/i] He looked up as he heard Granthar's voice in his head. [i]He's one of the Queen's Royal Knights.[/i] ------------------------ Elaeria raised an eyebrow at the girl in a questioning manner having watched the display of all four elements. It wasn't mastery; that was for sure. However the use of any magic at their basic stage of education was impressive enough; use of four in quick succession was unnaturally advanced. She walked forwards towards the girl in whose eyes she could see a certain level of anxiety so she smiled disarmingly. "You're an interesting young lady, Caroline." She said, presuming to use the girl's first name. After all, she [i]was[/i] a princess; no one could accuse her of bad etiquette. "I can see you want to keep this a secret so I'll pretend I saw nothing. Still, remember that I know; we all need to keep our friends around us here. Who knows what could happen?" Rather than elaborate she walked off, ignoring her familiar's questions and prepared for the banquet instead by changing into slightly more elaborate clothing. [i]I think I'll try and make use of that woman from Helgland; she might be useful in the near future.[/i]