[b] Name: [/b] Serenity Clayton [i] Nickname: [/i] 'Ren' [b] Age: [/b] 21 [b] Gender: [/b] Female [b] Species: [/b] Fallen Angel Her appearance is human, albeit she isn't. The only aspect of her true nature is found within some strange dreams about obscure lights. She has no memory about what happened before she was 9years old. [b] Appearance: [/b] Her shoulderlong White [b] hair [/b] surrounds her face in straight, slightly curved insidely, lines. Some strains, however, are longer and even reach her waistline. These lose hair seem to have their own will and fall in whatever way they want. The unusual Color, or rather: absence of Color, is caused by a lack of Melanin within her cells. Matching her hair, her [b] Skin [/b] has a rather pale Teint, almost vampiric pale. Although, her physics are perfectly human and a faint pink might appear upon her cheek when she blushes. Her [b] eyes [/b] are pretty random in the normal ways: The white in her eyes was White, the pupils were black and around her pupils were the colored irises. The only dashy Impression wouold be made by her pupils, though: They had a full yet dark orange Color, almost red. The famle has a perchant for the Color blue as well: Her [b] clothes [/b] vary in different hues of this Color and even her nails are dark blue. Sh wears a thin Dress which is dark blue, matching her nails, around her breast and turns into a faint blue the further you look downwards. Some ribbons hold the silky Cloth in place as well as are used as necklace, wrapped twice around her neck. She loves to run around bare-footed but wears normally comfy black Sneakers due to her manners. [b] Other visual noticed aspects [/b] might be The netlike gloves she is wearing. They are rather artificial wristlets than actual gloves. Moreover, she also wears jewelry: Two delicate yet huge structures, building a pentagram-shaped pattern, are her earrings and in her hair is a barrette of the same form. Three wires extend upwards of her hairclip. On each end is another pentagram. These three are White, the oposing 'color' of her other ornaments. A silver pentagram on a blue ribbon completes it. [b] Powers: [/b] [i] Pyrokinesis: [/i] She is able to control, manipulate, rise and distinguish flames. Moreover, she is capable of creating her own fire within her Palms. This Special fire occurs to be Cyan and can't be controlled by other fire users. [i] Temperature manipulation: [/i] The affiliation with fire already allows her to be greatly involved with heat and pretty immune to it. Her own fear of fire developed another power out of this. She can control and manipulate temperature itself. This ables her to noot be dependant on certain clothes thus might let others notice her feelings in sudden alterings of temperature. However, this power is related to her fire and therefore greatly bound to her emotions as well. [i] Will strength: [/i] She is able to withstand the attempted Manipulation of her brainwaves in every way. As result, her mind is safe from outer influence. This, however, will not help her against physical influences, e.g. Pheromons or illusions by fooling her eyes. [b] Weakness: [/b] [i] Pyrophobia [/i] Ironically,she is afraid of her own ability and as a result she never trained it. Furthermore, this caused her flames to be uncontrolable and dependant on her emotions. [i] Antropophobia [/i] Another disadvantage is her fear of other people. It is not that distinct and seems to vanish at times. Although, the more people she encounters at once, the more she panics. [b] Personality: [/b] Nature is beloved and the only place to find her a bit relaxed when others are around. Everytime else, she is seen as rather shy, even scared of social interactions. Oposing her character is her fighting will: She would never turn down an accused challenge. [b] History: [/b] -will be edited later /if/ this character is accepted- [b] Studies [/b] [i] Chore classes: [/i] English, Psychology, German [i] Electives: [/i] Art, Latin, Chemistry