Cryalis smiled as her hapless pursuers ran around like chickens in the darkness below, as she watched them from the shades of a fir tree. [i]Amateurs,[/i] she thought as she examined their erratic movements, waiting for a pattern to show so that she might be able to take a shot at one of them before she moved along. This hunt was beginning to get tiring- for weeks these imbeciles had hunted her in revenge of a well-paying contract from a wizard to take out another one, accusing him of necromancy. He was right, but he didn't mention that his disciples would be as mad as hornets about it. They were in the darkness below, casting their spells, jumping at shadows, and not once looking up. Noting the erratic pattern that one of the people below had taken, she quickly began to take aim and draw back, easing and regulating her breathing until it seemed as if she was holding her breath. Just a moment away from shooting her arrow, the wind quickly changed direction, and started to swirl around her. Concerned, she drew upon what little magical ability she had, momentarily distraught. Had she been discovered so easily? Calming herself quickly, she did the only thing she was prepared to do at the moment- she released the arrow. The winds took her from her world the moment the arrow found its mark. The apprentice was struck dead, but not a whisper of movement could be heard from the nearby trees. As, in fact, there was nothing that was capable of disturbing them present. --- As the whirlwind whipped around her, she felt the winds tugging at everything. They managed to make off with one of her boots, as well as her knife and bits and pieces of her clothing, but she managed to keep her trusty bow and several of her arrows. As the tornado continued to increase in furiosity, she found herself unable to keep her balance, and was quickly thrown unconscious by the force of the wind... --- She was not sure how much time had passed since she had landed, but all she could think was how warm it was. Granted, she came from cooler climate, so it what she called hot would have been warm to most people. Blinking back, she stared upwards for a moment before quickly sitting up- much to the distress of her scar- and examining her surroundings. She was in a deciduous woods, the leaves of the rare- at least, in her eyes- oaks and birches stirring the woods, although there were several trees that she did not recognize. Silently looking around, it seems that what she had lost was gone for good. Cursing under her breath, she looked around. Where had they sent her? Hearing rustling nearby, she noted movement in the bushes nearby. Stealthily, she watched as a pair of people defended themselves from archers of an unknown race, shooting them from the bushes. Her gut telling her that the two people who were being attacked were in the right, she smiled slightly, breathing in a lungful of warm air, her smile turning into a smirk as she felt the ice magic turned the warm air into frigid, ready to use her magic to push the assailants out of the bushes...