@NarayanK Very nice character! I can't wait to read about his shenanigans. ~ @UrbanDecay Also very nice! (I love Plato and Aristotle and ugh. GJ. Lol.) [quote=FaithsRose] Hmm, I was probably aiming away from him mimicking humans or vampires for that matter, in fact I'm sorry but vampires didn't even cross my mind as an option :O In my mind that kind of shapeshifting is different but I see what you mean :S If I'd of put animal mimicry or beast mimicry I'm guessing it would have been the same. The idea of him being able to is a rather interesting one, and I would be willing to accept it as a challenge with all the rules you stated. As for Serena I realized my mistake there with that >.< I have gone through an altered it, though can probably change it this evening if you would prefer, I worded it terribly! [/quote] Much better. I'll add to her to list once I'm done making this post. (By the way, if any of you have submitted a CS, had to fix something and have now fixed it but I haven't said anything, PM me! It's hard to be able to see everything with how crowded the OOC is (Not that I mind. I prefer a crowded OOC to a dead one.) I'll almost always answer PMs.) @Animal You should really look at the Character Listing. The Vice-President is a Dragon Kin. xD Approved. :P @Zordon I didn't have an issue with the fire weakness. I just wanted some other type of weakness be it physical or Psychological. Like, a fear of bugs or of dying. Or she's too nice for her own good, things like that. Once you've added something, just let me know and I'll add her to the listing. (PMing would probably be the best way to get my attention.) @McFazzer Alright. So, my only problem with this has to do with definition. What sort of objects? In my mind, other characters are 'objects' of a sort. Do you just mean inanimate objects? If you'd change it to inanimate objects, I'd be fine with it. (Knowing the past of characters is a touchy power.) I'm sorry if I'm being picky I just like things to be clearly laid out. Other than that little detail, good character! An interesting power. :) [quote=Ebil Bunny] Rose is female :P [/quote] Yes, I am indeed female. 19 year old female, Up coming sophomore in College, English Education major. I have a boyfriend of 6 years, and I like music, playing my trumpet, my cat and RPing. :D @Legion Once you've made the edits you want to make, just let me know and I'll look it over again. @Aoi Sora Nice CS, Approved! I'm interested to see how she interacts with those two different personailties. ^-^ @NarayanK No target practice needed, haha. I just prefer you be as detailed as you possibly can about your powers. That's all I really need to be detailed. Background and Personality, are up to you how you want to do it. Those are just kind of extra information. So, feel free to use bullet points for those. I just prefer writing more myself because it solidifies the idea in my head. Just personal preference there. @Shadowfall Nice character. I will warn you however, that without a very outgoing character to pair it with, a shy character can and will fade into the background. Just be wary of this. I'll be creating another character that'll be very, very outgoing so don't worry too much about it. Just... You were warned. Otherwise, approved! ^o^/ Whew... And to think I didn't think much would have gone on while I was gone. I left when like 21 posts in OOC and came back to like 50. Dx Again, I don't mind. I prefer it this way. I just wasn't expecting it, haha. And now I have to go and add characters to the listing... Merp. ~ Done~!