I was hoping that there might still be some room, but I saw that there were a few other people with unfinished CS's floating around. I had shown my interest when this was posted in the last board and just now found this thread. I'm posting what I have done so far just in case you wanted a different gender/type of character that I can tweak around. [hider=Statistics][list] [*][b]Name:[/b][/*] Bertram [*][b]Gender:[/b][/*] Male [*][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/*] 3/18/96 [*][b]Blood Status:[/b][/*] Half Blood Werewolf (His Father was a Muggle Born Werewolf and his Mother is a Pureblood Witch) [*][b]House or School:[/b][/*] Salem Witch’s Institute, Massachusetts [/list][/hider] [hider= Appearance] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/0U9BKUW.jpg?1[/IMG][/center] [list][*][b]Height[/b][/*] 5'4'' Not a very imposing stature. [*][b]Weight[/b][/*] 120 Again, a strong breeze could carry him away. [*][b]Hair color[/b][/*] Dirty Mud Water Brown, as his mother would say. [*][b]Hair style[/b][/*] Buzzed on the sides, parted and done like a proper 20's gentleman at the beginning of the day. By dinner, he's run his hands through his hair enough to look like he'd been molested by a troll. [*][b]Eye color[/b][/*] Bright Blue, the same color even as a wolf. [*][b]Skin color[/b][/*] Pale, he obviously doesn't go playing in the sun very often. During the different lunar phases of the month, he sways back and forth between a sickly looking kid and a not-so-sickly looking kid. [*][b]Body structure[/b][/*] Skinny and not very athletic. If he was expected to leap across a crater and pull himself up a three story tree... good luck with that. [*][b]Fashion[/b][/*] Dressed to perfection in (mostly) his father's old suits, which is oddly morbid in its own way. He has about two dozen varying suits and ties in his tent's wardrobe. Bertram's just lucky that his father was as short as him. [*][b]Hygiene[/b][/*] Although he always tries to spray on some cologne in the morning, if he ever sweats, he can't seem to get rid of the smell of wet dog. [*][b]Personality:[/b][/*] [*][b]Strengths[/b][/*] [*][i]Loyal to the Pack[/i][/*] [*][i]His nose and sense of smell[/i][/*] [*][i]Creative problem solver[/i][/*] [*][b]Weaknesses[/b][/*] [*][i]Lycanthropy[/i][/*] Both in the social and physical sense. [*][i]Secretive[/i][/*] Again, he doesn't tell anyone upfront about his affliction. [*][i]Physically weak[/i][/*] The only exception is as a werewolf. [*][i]Curious[/i][/*] Bert can't help but investigate and go where his nose leads him. [*][b]Goals[/b][/*] [*][i]Not getting arrested[/i][/*] Which is a serious risk on a monthly basis, even more so during his trip abroad. [*][i]Perfecting his skills with the Wolfsbane Potion[/i][/*] Or an entire cure for Lycanthropy. [*][i]Publishing a novel on Werewolves[/i][/*] Told from a point of view other than hunting them. [*][b]Hobbies[/b][/*] [*][i]Walking indoors[/i][/*] Museums and libraries don't have the sensory overload that strolls in the forest offer. [*][i]Lengthy hours of research outside of course work[/i][/*] Even if he hasn't physically practiced it, he knows an awful lot of magical theory. [*][i]Potion Making[/i][/*] Since only three out of five Wolfsbane Potions are successful, he's usually making backups. [*][i]Cooking[/i][/*] With a widening variety of dishes he hopes to sample in his travels. [/list][/hider] [hider= History] [list] [*]Describe your characters eleven years before Salem and how did they found out about it.[/*] [*]What's their relationship with their family. [/*] [*]How were the seven years of their school life? [/*] [*]Where they popular or loners? [/*] [*]How were their grades?[/*][/list] [/hider] [hider= Extra Info] [list] [*][b]Patronus:[/b][/*] A Wolf [*][b]Worst Fear/Memory:[/b][/*] [*][b]Boggart:[/b][/*] Like most werewolves, The Moon. [*][b]Amortentia:[/b][/*] Honey, a sizzling steak, [*][b]Natural Ability:[/b][/*] Lycanthropy. [*][b]Learned Ability:[/b][/*] He can pick locks without a wand, something he learned at a young age to escape his home. [*][b]Pets:[/b][/*] None, he rents an owl only when he needs it.[/list][/hider] [hider= Credentials] [list] [*][b]Flying[/b] (1)[/*] Not as steady as a Quidditch player, but he can get from point A to B with a tiny bit of skill. [*][b]Prefect/Head Boy/Girl[/b] (0)[/*] He wasn't the most well liked student by the staff. [*][b]Astronomy [/b](-100)[/*] He would do anything to not stare at a diagram of a dozen different moons. It's a panic attack waiting to happen. [*][b]Charms[/b] (2)[/*] [*][b]Defense Against the Dark Arts[/b] (2)[/*] He knows a lot of book-based knowledge, but unfortunately is susceptible to a lot of the deterrents against dark creatures. [*][b]Herbology [/b](2)[/*] He can sniff out and differentiate between a thousand herbs; he's not particularly skilled at raising, maintaining or even dealing with living magical plants. [*][b]History of Magic [/b](1)[/*] Simple knowledge from years of practice at school. [*][b]Potions [/b](2)[/*] Proficient due to his skills with herbs and different dry ingredients. After many faulty attempts, it took until his fifth year at Salem before Berty could produce an acceptable Wolfsbane Potion. At times, he might make a miscalculation, but he intends to fine tune his skills on his travels- if only to help protect the group he will be traveling with. [*][b]Transfiguration [/b](3)[/*] [*][b]Study of Ancient Runes [/b](1)[/*] Necessary in order to study historical wizarding texts and artifacts. [*][b]Arithmancy [/b](0)[/*] No courses taken. [*][b]Muggle Studies [/b](0)[/*] Most of his life was spent in a magical school where he didn't choose Muggle Studies or locked away in the middle of the swamp. [*][b]Care of Magical Creatures [/b](-100)[/*] Animals of all breeds despise him. [*][b]Divination [/b](0)[/*] Not skilled in the least and doesn't put much stock in it. Most fortune tellers tell him he has a dark future. [*][b]Alchemy [/b](1)[/*] Somewhat versed but doesn't boast having much practice. [*][b]Dueling[/b] (3)[/*] Most of his skills in dueling stem from his inclination to transfigure threats into something harmless. He's a defensive dueler that prefers to counter than to attack. [*][b]Apparition [/b](1)[/*] His skills are only just developing at the dangerous and precise branch of magic. [*][b]Voodoo[/b] (1)[/*] Something developed during his summers in the bayou, where he would slip out at night and visit the swamp witches. [/list][/hider] [hider=Wand] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/64c24OZ.jpg?1[/IMG][/center] [list] [*][b]Length:[/b] 10 1/2[/*] [*][b]Wood:[/b] Cedar[/*] [*][b]Core:[/b] Unicorn Tail Hair[/*] [*][b]Flexibility:[/b] Rigid[/*] [/list][/hider] [hider= Inventory] He has a rather small leather backpack that carries quite a few supplies: [list] [*][i]A portable, professional-grade potion kit[/i][/*] [*][i]Assorted herbs and vials[/i][/*] [*][i]An antique silver plated cauldron[/i][/*] Which will burn his skin on direct contact, but necessary for his most vital potion. [*][i]A Hand of Glory[/i][/*] [*][i]Omnioculars[/i][/*] [*][i]One pack of Non-Explodable Luminous Balloons[/i][/*] [*][i]Ever-Bashing Boomerang[/i][/*] [*][i]Decoy Detonator[/i][/*] [*][i]Extendable Ears[/i][/*] [*][i]A small vial of Floo Powder[/i][/*] [*][i]Nosebleed Nougat[/i][/*] [*][i]One Shrunken Head[/i][/*] [*][i]Lots of parchment[/i][/*] [*][i]Spell-o-tape[/i][/*] [*][i]A Wizarding Tent[/i][/*] Complete with three bedrooms and six beds [*][i]A Cleansweep Eleven[/i][/*] An older model [*][i]Various potion and spell books[/i][/*] For field reference [/list][/hider] I gave him the wand that chose me on the Pottermore site ^_^ I was thinking of having him either searching for a cure for his terminal family illness (ie a horcrux) or revamping the sheet so he's less focused on dark magic and more on being the next great wandmaker. Possibly working to recreate the Elder Wand