The Unity entered into the atmosphere of Benry under the smooth guidance of its helmsman. Rayne was glad that the turian - she had already forgotten the name he gave her, was called away. For one, she was rolling her eyes at his persistence, and for two she was simply glad that he didn't have time to bother her. Especially not when she was about to fly towards the first destination. The commanding officer had input the co-ordinates for the colony of Benry. Rayne had never been. Though the Alliance often sent her on rescue flights for their black ops troops, rarely did she get to this corner of the Terminus Systems. "Arrival in two," Rayne spoke into the intercom, patched directly to the away team. Pulling out the Benry militia. Simple. A routine rescue, hit the ground, secure the troops, get back to the L.Z. Alliance ran this op in training, and she was fairly sure the troops aboard the Unity were up to the simple task. Or else they'd not be on the return flight. A blinking red signal on the Unity's console caused Rayne to bring her eyes to the light source. And then quickly back towards the windows. "Drop is hot, away team. Repeat, drop is hot." Rayne took a deep breath and continued on the course. The landing zone was home to cannibals, she couldn't get an accurate number but it was less than a full squadron. If Reaper forces even had squadrons. One of the cannibals spotted the Unity and opened its maw, letting out an alerting scream to the troops that were busy living up to their cannibal designation. The troops in the drop zone began shooting towards the Unity. Rayne gritted her teeth and flew past the landing, tilting the ship to the left to avoid blasts - which ones she didn't avoid hit the kinetic barriers. "I'm gonna circle to the back of the colony. Ground team, you're gonna need to secure an L.Z. for extraction, I'm not flying your asses out while having to watch my own. Approaching drop in thirty." Rayne dropped the Unity low, hovering over a flat tract of land near the back of the colony. She doubted it would stay devoid of Reapers for long, but that's what the ground team was for. "Clear for drop, ground team."