Jacob nodded at Jade's reply. His parents weren't that intense about the idea of his powers, but he understood that Dark Magic was pretty creepy, and among the more superstitious, it could be easily seen as a curse. "Damn. My parents were pretty cool with me practicing my powers, just as long as nobody noticed. They didn't want us to end up on some national registry, especially because they were afraid of something like that NATSEC business happening. A little too late for me now, though. Ain't hard to get a hold of somebody's name in the registry here. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some records back with the Army, either. I kinda got kicked out 'cause I healed a guy on a botched op. Turns out the military is generally anti-Wanderer." Rubbing the back of his head, he forced a smile and chuckled a bit. "Ah, oh well. What's done is done. As for me, I'm white magic and telepathy. Can't to anything like making force fields or flying or nothing. But it's useful in it's own right, don't get me wrong. Saved myself a lotta trouble last night. Probably would've been covered in burns if I couldn't heal myself up like that."