[hider=Union of Britain] [center][img]http://oi40.tinypic.com/e898p2.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Nation Name:[/b] Union of Britain. [b]Leader name:[/b] Philip Snowden. [b]Population:[/b] ~44 million. [b]Current military size:[/b] 480 000. [b]Wartime military size (full mobilization):[/b] 4.3 million. [b]Navy size (if applicable):[/b] [indent]Aircraft Carriers: 8 Battleships: 43 Pre-Dreadnaughts: 15 Battlecruisers: 37 Cruisers: 51 Destroyers: 387 Submarines: 168 [u]Total:[/u] 709 [/indent] [b]Respectable air force:[/b] Yes. [b]Military capabilities:[/b] The military doctrine of the Union of Britain puts great emphasis on naval superiority in home waters as well as providing escorts for commerce vessels which are the lifeline of the island nations. The army has a secondary role as the air force and the navy are thought to have a higher priority. [u]Army[/u] The British Army is a mix of standing army units, home defense garrisons and local militias which provide a mobile reserve for the home defense garrisons. The standing army is rather small, but the manpower pool of Britain is great and a great number of divisions can be raised in a relatively short time should the need arise. [u]Navy[/u] Despite the loss of many ships of the Royal Navy as the monarchists left for Canada, the Republican Navy is still one of the greatest navies of the world and one of the few navies of the world that employ aircraft carriers. The Republican Navy is the sole navy in Europe that can hope to take on the Kaiserliche Marine at sea. The Republican Navy, which is self-governing and largely self-financing, controls not only maritime defence, customs and the merchant marine, but also has a huge influence over shipbuilding, trade and foreign policy. [u]Air Force[/u] The Republican Air Force is mainly tasked to defend the British airspace and not so much on fighting an aerial war in enemy skies. Still, the RAF does employ a significant number of strategic bombers under the RAF Strategic Bomber Command should the need arise to take the war to the enemy. [b]History:[/b] After the defeat of France the United Kingdom's war with Germany dragged on inconclusively for two years. In 1921 the stalemate was finally broken when Lloyd-George agreed to General Ludendorf's proposal for a "Peace with Honour". Under the terms of this treaty it was agreed that Britain would acknowledge Germany's gains from the war, whilst Germany would respect the Imperial possessions of the remaining Entente powers of Britain, Japan and Portugal. However, while Britain's overseas territories remained largely ordered and intact, the faith and support of the people in the Home Islands did not. In 1925, disaster struck: a minor labour dispute in the coalfields of South Wales quickly escalated after troops were sent in to restore order. Following the French's example, a General Strike was called by the TUC to cripple the economy. When the government sent orders for the military to quell the unrest, many troops deserted to the side of the strikers, which was accompanied by a major naval mutiny. After six weeks of rioting, looting, and pamphleteering on a massive scale, the Royal Family was evacuated to Canada, followed by most of the country's leading politicians and large property owners. Following the fall of the British government, a provisional government of revolutionary groups dissolved both Houses of Parliament, and declared that political authority in the "Union of Britain" would pass to a new Congress of Trade Unions. Following the revolution, 1926 saw the formative Congresses of Socialist Britain, with advocates of various positions coming together to hammer out the framework of the new state. What resulted was a compromise between the factions that enshrined the principals of decentralization, co-operativism, and isolationism. This resulted in the establishment of locally elected councils as the main organ of government (supervised by the national direction of the CTU), a dominant public sector, and a diplomatic stance that emphasized self-defense and national self-reliance above all else. The British people are currently secure on their island, content to build socialism in political and economic isolation, protected by the strong Republican Air Force and Navy. Additionally, each county is protected by its own popular militia who act both as a reserve military and the police.[/hider]