The sheer horror of the second onslaught froze Ysolda in her tracks. She had fought demons, monsters, other Exalts, and had dealings with the Mask of Winters... but this was destruction on a level even above that which she had seen before. In nearly seven centuries, no single entity had been quite so large or imposing. Even Juggernaut, the Mask of Winters' behemoth, was not so destructive. This had to cease. The elemental creature was doing what it could, but it was having trouble. The Solar looked around once more at the calamity that this titanic machine had wrought, and closed her eyes. She took a step forward, positioned her hands out before her in a circular motion, and then brought them to her chest. Her rage and hatred for this massive enemy welled up within her until it seemed to suffuse her very essence. [B]"I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you have one chance to stop this madness."[/B] Ysolda sincerely didn't want to use this spell, for it invoked the true name of Ligier. Every Exalted occult master knows about Ligier the Green Sun. The defining soul of the Demon Prince, Malfeas. Ligier once had another name, however... when Malfeas was a Primordial instead of the demons’ home and prison. To invoke his true name was to dabble in that which caused the Primordial War in her homeworld of Creation, so many centuries ago. Unfortunately, such a foe who is willing to engage in mass destruction must be met with equal power if they are to truly be beaten. Such was the unfortunate truth of the matter. At this point, the caste mark on Ysolda's forehead glowed like the sun. But what was more, she was engulfed in a brilliant bonfire of essence that burned from her feet to at least a foot above her head. The ground beneath her feet would be left faded, as if exposed to intense sunlight for many days. So intense is this blaze, she would be visible for several miles. The initial burst of light was such that any nearby entities might even be temporarily blinded. Lastly, the light produced is bright and steady enough to read by, out to a distance of around eighty yards. It was now that the power of a Solar Exalt would be shown to the Multiverse. Her God-Forged Champion of War changed as well. It was enveloped in her anima, just as she was. This manifested in a secondary layer of energy surrounding her. This armor layer was different, however. It was somewhat darker, yet still golden in color. A large red cloak draped behind it, seemingly made of ethereal feathers. Furiously glowing silver eyes shown from behind a heavy helm. To onlookers at a distance, it would look like a knight was about to fight a large monster. However, this knight was monstrous itself, towering over two stories. By comparison, the immense machine would probably barely register Ysolda a threat, being that it was over one-hundred times her height. Such would be akin to a person registering a hamster as a threat.