"I am fond of the pork chops and the mashed potatoes with gravy is excellent. I'd start off with a nice crisp salad though. Then see what kind of pies they have today which has a wonderful flakey crust. The roast beef is very good and so is the fried chicken. I am sure that anything on the menu would be excellent. Perhaps you would like a nice steak of some sort." Miss Linda spoke as she got the attention of the waitress who came over. "This meal is on me tonight, Darcy. Order what you want." "What would you like to have today, sir?" Darcy asked with a smile. [HIDER= Briefcase Contents] Newspaper Clippings: In the Obituary Column Kevin A. Preston, 24 died in an accident after his graduation. A closed casket funeral is being planned in El Paso, Texas where his parents live. No more details at this time. Tidbits Column In a tragic car accident two newly graduated students were killed. Kevin A. Preston and Florence A. Kennedy, both 24, were out on a drive after a graduation party. Kevin was seen picking up Florence at her dorm last night. This reporter found out that there is more to this story than just a simple drunk driver that breaks the guard and runs the car off the local cliff then dies in a flaming car kind of a story. Students at the University said that their relationship had gone sour over the last several weeks. In fact, Florence had an argument at the after graduation party. She claimed to be pregnant with Kevin’s child and if he would not do the manly thing and marry her, she would cause a ‘rather large fuss and will end up receiving a large settlement out of this mess’. It seems that two of her friends, Matt Dickenson, 24 and Dan Rogers, 19, tried to pull her away from Kevin and were not able to convince her that it was best to just let things die down for a bit. During the argument, Florence somehow spilled her punch on Grace Sullivan’s pure white gown and Kevin tried to clean the gown as best as he could while continuing his arguing with Florence. Also note that Kevin was valedictorian and Grace was given the title of salutatorian which Florence should have had. Interesting? The whole party was ended with a raid from the local police. After the police broke up not only the argument but the party itself, everyone went on their own ways with Florence checking in a local 4 star hotel. Later that fateful night, Kevin and Florence went for a drive which resulted with both of them going over the cliff. More will come after the coroner’s report and the pulling out of the bodies. We shall see if Florence is really pregnant, won’t we dear readers? Dear readers….. I am not sure what to say! I was mistaken with my hurried article late last night in hopes to let the good readers of this paper know of the tragedy of an accident. What I have found out is that Kevin Preston was in the car but not Florence Kennedy. No one has seen her whereabouts yet to my knowledge. Inquiries have been made to all who knew her but no luck of finding her alive or…… I wonder where she could be. However, I did find out something else of interest! Evidently Kevin had been a naughty boy when he went through his initiation into his fraternity! The House of the Gaul is known for bloody initiations but this one was very bloody indeed and it was hushed up by the wealthy families of Preston and Kennedy. In this initiation feat, Kevin was to terrorize a certain family who ‘dishonored’ The House of Gaul somehow. Kevin was told to use a knife on them and bring back the ‘bloody’ pictures. Kevin did use a knife on the family of 4. Deep cuts to the abdominal region and the two children, 5 and 7, and their parents were tied to chairs. The chairs were then tied to each other in a circle. Kevin then proceeded to use the knife on the family and taking pictures of the gaping wounds. How ghastly is that? I shudder at the thought of needing to do such a deed to get into a frat house! Such initiations should be outlawed. I have no further news of Miss Florence Kennedy’s whereabouts. It is suspected that she may have wandered off in a daze and ended up in the lake. No bodies has been dragged out of the lake yet. Mysteriouser and mysteriouser…… The hearing today was a total surprise to all of us! The trial went on like a normal trial until Dan Rogers, 19, caved in to say that he knew of the murders from a secret book kept in a hiding place. A recess was immediately called for there were several members of the Gaul Fraternity ran out of the court. The young men were caught before getting out of the court house. Dan Rogers was taken to the Frat house and he retrieved a personal diary of Matt Dickenson, 24. Dan was then taken back to court and the court decided to read the diary before going any further. Both lawyers quickly agreed. The court then adjourned for the day. Curiouser and curiouser….. The House of the Gaul is disbanded! In that diary told the whole story in Matt’s own handwriting and admitted by himself. Matt was the one who took the pictures while Kevin did the stabbing of the innocent people. Matt was put on deathroll while Dan got 5 to 10 for being an accomplice by knowledge. What a Catastrophic event that was with crying families and wailing of students that wanted out of their Fraternity or Sorority House! Still no signs of Miss Florence Kennedy or her parents. None of them even showed any interest in the trial at all as far as I could tell. Excerpts from Coroner’s Report on Preston Case number 7029-377 Body was found lying a few yards out of a car crash on Highway197. Apparently the vehicle went through the side railing and rolled down the cliff where the body was found by the police. The car had exploded in uncontrollable flames. Surface of the body was badly contused, severely burned and had severe head trauma including ruptured arteries which was the main cause of death. Blood alcohol was 0.107. No drugs were found in the blood. Blood was drawn at the scene of the accident and sent to the lab for analysis. The body was ID’d by his parents, David and Mary Preston with the Fraternity ring that was on his right ring finger. His name was inside the band. $10,000 in $20's A MasterCard with a $50,000 limit Pictures of Florence Anne Kennedy, her parents and her friends at the college [/HIDER]