Sorry all, I knew I should have posted a more thoroughly fleshed out character sheet, I just wanted to express interest before all of the spots had been filled. I'm a pretty complacent player and I can make whatever edits needed, there were just ten pages of OOC to catch up on. ^_^ I certainly don't want to be thought of as a god-moding jerk, I was just working on it in a rush. I had three ideas for a character: A Wandmaker, A Werewolf or A Sick-Kid-Trying-To-Figure-Out-How-To-Survive-By-Any-Means-Possible. [quote=PrimezTime] Easy there. The Elder Wand is pretty exclusive by the fact that it is commonly told that Death itself created it.Also a hocrux would require other human sacrifices in order to work. So if that is your suggested route, you'd be considered rather evil. [/quote] Sorry I should have been more clear. Traveling from Salem on a foreign group effort would have been because of research after his graduation. If I was going to go the horcrux route, there was a whole back-story of a family illness and looking for a way to extend his life. The research brought him down some dark paths that finally led to something called horcruxes. He then signed up for the European journey to do deeper research into it. It was possible that he might end his research once he finds out the only way to make one is by killing someone. As far as the Elder Wand, it would be research that any wandmaker would want to know. What wood it was, the length, the specific runes etched, the shape, the wood strength, core and other aspects would need to be things discovered from several different locations/artifacts. Maybe someone possessed the Death Stick in Spain briefly at some point with an artist who sketched specific details into a portrait. Although it's rumored that Death itself made the wand, even Dumbledore suggested that it was made by Antioch Peverell; who, with his two brothers, made each of the items. Bertram's entire reasoning would be that "If wizards managed to make it once, why in the world wouldn't it be possible to do it twice?" I hope that clears it up a bit. [quote=Doctor Belasco] I don't want to be , but I kinda feel like Bertram's encroaching on Michael's patch, being a secretive, studious guy with a sideline in dark magic and probably-going-to-go-a-bit-evil. He also seems to be bordering on the godmodding, having mastery in four different fields.*squirmy face* [/quote] Completely valid points. I'm already thinking of details for the other two ideas I had so I don't crowd any character types. And I didn't think of 3 as being a mastery, but having advanced Newt level skill that was going to balance in a deeper description. Again, I can edit that stuff out, I just wanted to save a place.