Here comes a new challenger! Also, I'd like to point out that newcomers are welcome while the spots are open. Feel free to drop by and join our trippy roleplay! --- [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] [b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Noob [b][u]Age[/b][/u]: 26 [b][u]Gender[/u][/b]: Male [b][u]Species[/u][/b]: [s]Noob[/s] Saibot Specialties: [indent]Noob Strength - Noob can pull off Noob combos, Noob counters, and even Noob manuevers. They're all Noobish, but ultimately awesome in the end. A befitting trait of O-Face's long-term member. Noob Intelligence - Noob uses logic only a true Noob can use. In other words, he's pretty freaking stupid. Noob Life - Noob lived the life of a true Noob, meaning that he knows what it feels like to be a "Newb" before he became the ultimate "Nooblord of the Stars."[/indent] "Chopping" - Noob likes to cook, but he only likes to cook his enemies. Guess what he likes to do to his food? Abilities: [indent]"I Fight For My Friends" - Noob is able to play mind games with practically anyone he meets... like a Noob would. Most of what he says to his enemies are lies, which usually provokes the opponents when they realize he doesn't give a crap about their newb-like experiences. Shoryuuken - Noob shameless borrows a Street Fighter move and does a hadouken. Why he calls it a shoryuuken up to this date remains a mystery. Keyboard Smash - Noob is able to smash everything sent to his way with an analog keyboard that comes out of nowhere. Noob Combo: Noob is able to pull off the fabled "Noob Combo." This ability of his is why O-Face truly respects him as one of their greatest fighters.[/indent] Weapons/Skills: [indent]Tri-Katana - Noob carries three katanas, because two is for newbs. How he manages to use all of them at once remains a mystery. Plasma Pistol - Noob carries a Plasma Pistol: one of the essential tools in performing the classic Noob Combo. He bought it from his enemy before killing the unfortunate soul. Trash - Noob utilizes random junk from his pocket, all of which happen to be extremely lethal weapons. He tends to show off his Noobish style of fighting with this.[/indent] Favorite Games/Shows: Superman 64 Background: TBA. ... ... ...Or at least, that's what people [i]wanted[/i] to think. [indent]Long ago, before Abraham Lincoln became the president of the United States of America, there was man who lived inside a supernova. First, there was only a supernova. But then, there was [b]Noob[/b]! Noob, the almighty Saibot of destruction, came to be when NASA crashed their fifth space rocket on his star as a distress signal. He deemed them unworthy of his attention and wanted to wipe them out, but alas, there was a reason as to why they would crash a rocket on his spherical house. Corrupt heroes had invade Earth from other dimensions, and soon, the whole universe would be infested with corrupt heroes! He felt sympathy and, with a mighty leap, flew to Earth and landed with his naked feet, killing twelve people in the process. He then began to slay a bunch of corrupt heroes, wondering why they were screaming for mercy. It turned out they were all civilians. [s]What a noob.[/s] Seeing his powers as useful assets to the only hope of humanity, the O-Face decided to recruit him, claiming that Earth will forgive him if he ended the galactic raid. As the first recruit of the O-Face, Noob jogged for thirty minutes before becoming one of the final hopes of humanity. Fear him, "heroes," for Noob, the Saibot, has come to end your violence![/indent] "What's this roleplay about?": [s]Mars[/s] Earth