Thousands of years ago the eight legendary warriors of both the human and Digimon race fought a great evil. To ensure the worlds safety, the warriors spread artifacts parts of their bodies around the human and digital world. Waiting for the next time evil shall arise, and eight warriors are needed. -Modern Day- You and your classmates are on a field trip to a museum when you see a display case with a set of seven sparkling and different colored gems, but one of them look alive to you. Almost as if it is reaching out for you. But, before you could get any closer you’re pulled back with the group. However, the image of the gem never leaves you mind. Later that night you have a weird dream about these strange creatures with powers, you and seven other kids are fighting them. Seeing that each of you have some sort of strange weapon that you use to control an element. When you wake up there is a strange gauntlet on your right hand the color reminiscent of the gem you saw at the museum, there is even an empty socket in the back of the hand. Your tries to remove it prove to be futile after one last tug you find it actually hurts, as if the thing were a part of your flesh. Well there is the plot I would like to run with. The Digimon Warriors can be most digimon, and there will be a total of eight people and one power based off of the digimon, and its family. The other factor is the attribute, I want to go for a sort of Forth Season feel without the spirit evolving. There will be NPC digimon that will help too. List of Attributes and Families Attributes- Virus, Vaccine, and Data Families- Dragons Roar, Nature Spirit, Winged Guardians, Deep Savers, Jungle Troopers, Metal Empire, Nightmare Soldiers, and Virus Busters (I am nervous this is the first RP idea I have put up on this site by myself.)