Criston blinked, staring down at a navy blue umbrella. He lifted a brow as the trail of his eyes went down to the hand holding the object. [i]Oh, dear lord...[/i] He sighed and looked at her with amused eyes. [b]"Well, Hi there, Luna. Fancy meet-"[/b] He began but stopped as soon as the Umbrella found it's way to his shin. He yelped and grabbed at his leg, yelling obscenities. [b]"What the hell was that for Luna?!"[/b] He asked, yelling at her, his eyes wide. [b]"Damn it, Criston, an impromptu party! How the hell am I supposed to gather the Decorations Committee in time to decorate in 13 hours?! Do you realize what you're doing to me by announcing this crap, you jerk! I have to spend the first day planning and decorating and organizing and getting approvals, and there's so much damn more! I should strangle you! You do not stress out Luna Laciel before 4 in the afternoon!"[/b] She shouted, clearly angry. He looked up at her with his best puppy dog eyes and replied, [b]"But, Luna. I just wanted the 'new meat' to enjoy their first day. I mean... you can't blame me for thinking about their best interests..."[/b] He smiled at her sweetly, walking over and grabbing her hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. [b]"Besides, I know you can do it."[/b] He told her and sent her a wink. [b]"And we do this every year, you should have expected it by now."[/b] He said as he let go of her hand and began walking off. [b]"I'll see you at the party, Luna!"[/b] He called out to her as he walked off. He stopped when another white haired boy with yellow eyes walked up to him. [i]God damn, it's like looking in a mirror![/i] He blinked a bit, looking around as a few of the girls left his side and walked over to the other guy, Cyrus Bane? Criston blinked again and then looked up at the guy, a brow raised. He looked down at the hand offered to him and reluctantly grabbed it, shaking it. [b]"Yeah, nice to meet you."[/b] He greeted, his voice sounding a bit apprehensive. [b]"Hope to see how good of a party you can throw, and by the way, nice hair,"[/b] Cyrus continued, jokingly and then flexed for the girl at his arm. Criston simply blinked, losing face. He put a smile on his face and nodded. [b]"You too, bro. And I'm not the only one throwing it!"[/b] He replied, pointing in Luna's direction and sending her a wink. He chuckled and walked on, a few of the girls following him. He needed to go relax for a bit. Maybe send something to Luna in the Student Body Goverment(SBG)'s office to brighten her day. Some flowers, or some mule to work for her. He chuckled. Maybe.