[b]"Don't worry, Ageha-san. It'll be quick and painless." [/b] She told Ageha, her voice soft and soothing. [i]No... Stop...[/i] She didn't have the strength to resist. Soon, she felt a warm feeling wash over her, concentrated on her wounds. It just felt... warm. She fought the tears threatening her calm. This woman was so much like Cherry-sama. She provided Ageha so much warmth it pained her. She felt like crying. She knew the woman wasn't doing it for the same reasons Cherry-sama might have but it still made her feel... She didn't know how she felt. It was mostly just... sad. She sighed as Hanami-san finished healing her wounds and she sat in silence, not wanting to say anything, not even really wanting to move. She just wanted to sit there and watch the grass and the ants. Soon, she was poking at the ground, drawing, messing with the ants.