The inn's door swung open, the golden rays of the sun outside streaming in and illuminating the rising dust motes. Assa'alliyeh Kressair stood within that coruscative nimbus, the sunlight reflecting off her golden tresses, giving her what appeared to be a divine halo. She was a thing of darkness surrounded by light, her ebony translucent silks doing little to obscure her figure. She was perfectly aware of the what was happening, was using it to effect her own dramatic entrance. After she'd assumed the majority of those within had witnessed her entry she moved into the common room, her sleeves trailing behind her like a wraith's. She moved like royalty, like a goddess, her posture straight and her bare feet slipping across the worn wooden planking in the manner of a dancer. Behind her came the lizard thing, a kobold, though one possessed of black scale mottled with red as opposed to the usual bright crimson. The little creature who scarcely came up to the diminutive elf's waist followed timidly, eyes darting about and taking in the world of the big folk in a manner that suggested he expected to be attacked at any moment. "Come Char," Assallya beckoned as she turned slightly to address the kobold, "Do not tarry." Though the elf spoke in common, the implication was clear and Char hastened to follow. Striding over to the bar, Assallya took a seat, legs dangling from the stool. Her kobold companion leaped, catching hold of his own stool and pulled himself up atop it. Though, with his small size he had to kneel in order to put his claws comfortably on the bar's surface. Silently he watched the bartender, his posture much like a bird's, as if it was trying to understand his new environment and what the barkeep's purpose was standing behind the wooden wall and why he was idly rubbing the polished wood with a rag. "Greetings barkeep," she said, delivering a friendly smile, "May the gods bless this establishment which is most propitiously located. I would like a real meal, if you please, for myself and my companion. Then I would speak with thee concerning purchasing supplies and leaving these woods."