This looks weird, insane, and full of WTF. COUNT ME IN. ---- Appearance: He's around 5'7 and pretty scrawny. Ivan has spiky black hair, dark eyes that look almost black, and wears glasses. He's surprisingly tan despite staying indoors for most if his life due to his Filipino heritage. His main wardrobe consists of T-shirts having the logos of weird bands (What kind of band is 'The Purple Cheese Freaks from Planet Slikertonium'? The best band, that's what.) and faded jeans. Name: Ivan Yebat Age: [s]10,639,483[/s] 25 Gender: [s]IAMSHEMAN[/s] Male Species: Huuuumaaannnnnnn Specialties: -Being lost -Creating horrible puns. -Sleeping -Inventing Abilities: He's pretty dang good at creating weird and often times dangerous weapons. The only thing keeping him from creating THE ULTIMATE WEAPON is that he doesn't really give two craps about what he makes and usually says "screw this" and leaves in the middle of inventing. Weapons/Skills: He's skilfully inventive and skilfully lazy. Ivan carries around his only completed invention: a phone that doubles as a gun. But his aim sucks and he doesn't really know how to work a gun, so you can see how useful that is. Favorite Games/Shows: -Every Legend of Zelda game (except for those that should never again be mentioned >_> *coughCD-icough*, -Attack on Titan -Bravely Default -Minecraft -Super Smash Bros. Background: Imagine the most awkward, nerdy, anti-social shut-in you can think of. Okay, now quadruple that guy by a hundred. [i]That[/i], my friends, is Ivan. Despite being sent scholarships from the most prestigious schools and regarded as a prodigy, Ivan has never went to college, or a university, or gotten a real job. He just stays holed up in his apartment creating half assed thingy-ma-jiggers. Of course, when the heroes attacked, that all changed. After being nearly beheaded, burned, shot, and castrated (all at the same time!) by a hero that broke into his apartment, Ivan left his home for the first time in seven years. He was found by the O-Face and hired due to his inventive skill. "What's this roleplay about?": Namek! Wait...I mean Earth!