The students were all situated in the Academy courtyard, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly there was a flash and a tall sinewy man with glowing green eyes appeared, the students all turned their attention to him. he looked around the courtyard quickly then walked back to the front door and threw it open, a tall tree-like woman walked out, accompanied by a surprisingly normal looking man, large but not particularly magical-looking. The woman came to the end of the stairs and, in a surprisingly loud voice, called out "Welcome!" when she had everyone's attention she said "I am headmaster Willow, and as you all know, you are here because you are special, here you can feel safe, and learn to control your powers and your unique abilities in your own time, at your own pace, i wish you all happy days, please have a wonderful year!" at the end of that short speech, Headmaster Willow turned and walked back into the school, with the same man following her. Students slowly starting shifting out of their comfortable positions and headed off.