Darkness greeted Savin as he and his battle party transitioned back through the Vale. The main hall of the fortress greeting them as they finished their transition, the familiar sounds of the general busy work of the inhabitants a welcome replacement to the silence of the shift. Stepping into the wide hall he let Aeterna slide enough that its shaft touched the floor, allowing something to lean on after the long battle, he wasn't exhausted by any means, he rarely felt such a reaction now, but this battle had been a particularly tough one. An upstart lord was siphoning the magic of his lands in an attempt to sunder his enemy forces and fortresses, however the fool was crafting a spell that would sunder the deep rocks of mountains and plains, allowing the molten rock to bubble to the surface. The walkers had stopped him, but he had still been in possession of a amount of World magic. "Brother Savin." Savin stalled his walk to allow another armored and hooded figure to catch up to him, the style of armor and the size and color of the crystallized magic giving him clues to her name. "Hello Sister Ness." he responded, his voice edged with tiredness. "What seems to be the problem?" "The Grand Masters wish to speak to you." she informed him as she came along side him "Something about a Vale wound." Savin grimaced, a Vale wound was the worst type of breach. It had happened only a few times in the pas, but each time it meant a world altering event had occurred. "Alright tell them im-" He never finished his sentience as the roar of countless Vale Paths rushed together, forming a cyclone like portal, cracks forming along the Vale around it. The Cyclone whipped around for a short time before it latched onto Savin, drawing him in against his best struggles. Exiting the cyclone was to Savin as looking at the sun after being in the darkest cave is to normal people. He was truly blind as he tumbled out of the portal, though only for a few moments as his eyes "adjusted" to the foreign Astrial Paths. It was at this time he noticed something was terribly wrong, the wind was howling by him, ripping at his hood, Aeterna tumbled next to him, its blade singing as it spun. He was falling. He was falling like a comet would, his glowing tendrils adding the tail as he fell. Gritting his teeth he grasped Aeterna and turned himself over, to look at the ground. He suppressed a gasp as the ground appeared, very far below him, and frantically began searching for a proper Stream. Finding one he exhaled, the magic taking hold as he did, and he vanished in an instant, reappearing on the ground the displaced air making a large thunderclap as he did so. Looking up he found himself in a forest, several odd creatures gripping cruel looking blades stood around him, obviously surprised at the sudden appearance. Getting over their surprise one pointed at Savin and yelled something in a guttural language , sending the others careening at him. Bringing Aeterna to bear Savin met the attack. Aeterna's blade easily pierced through the lead one, and extending his left hand rapidly Savin sent two darts of pure force at the second, the purplish energy making its body twist awkwardly before hitting the ground. Drawing out his weapon and lowering his hand the Walker silently advanced on the third, which stumbled and fell as it tired to get away. A quick jab finished off the creature, just as Savin heard the sound of battle against what seemed like more of these creatures. Gripping Aeterna he moved towards the sounds.