[img] http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/343/d/a/ariel_found_headphones_by_sakimichan-d5nkok8.jpg[/img] Name: Ariel Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Mermaid(I think it would be easier to just say she can go between the two) Powers/Abilities: She can talk to fish, her song is charming enough to enchant humans and some other fables. Her tail makes her swim faster and she has a number of sea creatures at her disposal. Fairy Tale: The little Mermaid. Part in story: The little Mermaid. History: As the story goes she was a curious little mermaid, but that is not the full truth. Her prince was a cheater and though she was always in love with him it hurt to see him leave, in the end she made friends with the sea witch Ursula seeing as they both had the same problems. The sea witch used her magic to allow Ariel to go to land and kill the prince with a magical dagger for fun. Though she did take up the offer she did not use the dagger on the prince and instead keeps it as a plan B. Now she visits the sea witch and ventures through her seas regularly. Personality: Curious and fun, she is a glorious girl and though she is usually getting in trouble she has a fun time with it. Family: Mother:Dead Father:King Triton Siblings: Seven sisters. Friends: Practically Everyone. Crush/Relationships: She has feelings for Eric at home but can wander off the path at times.