Kalat did not like his new home as he was forced to call it, else he feel homesick. The way people bustled about grabbing and talking and shouting and moving in ways that seemed so familiar yet awkwardly different. His first order of business upon arriving had been securing a base from which to venture out and study. He had a found a shabby yet somewhat comfortable place up on a ledge that looked out over parts of the city. It was bearable because at night he could slip away without being seen. His second task had been to figure out which foods and drinks he could eat and which were tasty. After realizing there were too many to choose from he settled on a crumbling bread and and little round colorful orbs to which he think they were referred to as berries. It wasn't anything like the foods back home he often thought, but knowing his diet it might attract too much attention. After he had finally settled in and even blended in he decided he needed to find information, the most important being what were the portals and why did they appear t be sucking creatures and things from so many places. This wasn't home where he could simply demand or threaten for answers, he needed a new tactic to get people to talk. After many days of failing he decided to combine threats with the darkness of the night. He had laid down during the busy day and closed his eyes, in a few hours he would wake to a much quieter and darker place, but fr his purposes he would just fly them to somewhere completely solitary. His eyes began to get drowsy and he turned to his side, in a few hours he would wake find a worthy culprit and extract the information anyway he could. That thought at least gave him some semblance of happiness as he drifted into a calm but short sleep.