[quote=Zordon]Goals [list] [*]Perfecting his skills with the Wolfsbane Potion[/*] [*]Or an entire cure for Lycanthropy[/*][/list] Potion Making [list] [*]Since only three out of five Wolfsbane Potions are successful, he's usually making backups.[/*][/list][/quote] Nym is a small master of potions. She could help out. And Bert might get along with her, since she can turn into a direwolf. She might hold him back but I think her lynx might fight you to the death. XP [quote=Zordon]Astronomy (-100) [list] [*]He would do anything to not stare at a diagram of a dozen different moons. It's a panic attack waiting to happen.[/*][/list][/quote] Too funny! [quote=Zordon]Apparition (1) [list] [*]His skills are only just developing at the dangerous and precise branch of magic.[/*][/list][/quote] Can we just clarify that once he turns into a werewolf, he's dangerous and can't use his wand, any of his possessions, any other kind of magic, or apparate? I'd like to believe (God modding aside) that he would have the simple mind track of an animal. Smell flesh and blood = devour. [quote=PrimezTime] Yo Vena. Could you link that chat someone in the first page? [/quote] So as it happens, I can't find out how to do it... Yet again I made another, but it's still mibbit. Observe! The [url=http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23Wizards&server=irc.mibbit.net]OOC Chat![/url] I think, as long as we use our guild names, we'll get by?