[center]Striker Eureka was gently hovering above the board, as more and more troopers hopped into it and the other gunships. From what little was seen by Silver, the Jedi were pretty roughed up, and the troops of the 67th took some casualties as well. So he did the only things he could do - he held Striker steadily above the ground and kept delivering hell to any droids that came into the sights of his weapons. The Lartie withstood small weapons with no difficulties at all, but he was afraid of some exposed parts of the gunship - the exposed rear with the missile racks hit by an accidental shot might be disastrous[b]" Sergeant Falcon, we are too exposed! We donĀ“t have any time left."[/b] He looked around - one of the gunships had its wings pretty roughed up, and there was even a fire - he hoped it could still fly. They shall see withing seconds. Fox was a few steps away from the gunship, and he kept hitting droids left and right - a well timed shot into a droideka before it could deploy its shields. They were heading back to the gunships, step by step, forming a line with his comrades. A line that was delivering termination with ruthless efficiency. As soon as he saw all of the Jedi in the gunship, he sat down on the edge and kept firing, bringing down a super battle droid by several well placed shots. As soon as he sat down, he saw one of his brothers, Wolf, do the same. He was the last one to do so -.now it was just up to Sergeant Falcon to give the all clear signal to Silver, who was nervously waiting in the cockpit of Striker to leave. The droids were increasing their numbers drastically, they had to get out to join the rest of the forces. [b]" Sergeant Falcon! WE HAVE TO LEAVE, NOW !"[/b][/center]