Aurum town, built some centuries ago, now grows and thrives as a trading town with its location being prime to its purpose: situated just on the edge of a water body that brings in ships with goods and eager traders. Also connected to the mainland, and located near other to-note destinations makes the town no small place. A city in its size, though perhaps not recognised yet, the town brings together many races in its cultural centre, and they have learnt to come to accepting terms of each other for the most part, despite the occasional disagreement. With resources like forests and caves littered across in the vicinity that tempt the residents to come and take, bountiful and benevolent as the gods they serve, it's no wonder it's so popular and 'hip' in its time. But our story isn't set in this town. Just a little bit away, really. Not too far away from this happy, bustling little trade-town lies a mighty guild, welcoming to all those who set eyes on the intricate iron gates, ever open, ever warm. The mosaic path beyond leading to the building is to be admired: creams and blues and burnt siennas lighting up the area and glinting when they catch the sun's light. Forests nearby keep the guild under the coverage it needs to be safe, and to provide its members with some challenge. Some adventure, as it were. Caves can be a particular favourite. Though there comes an occasion where a team is sent far off, outside their comfort zone, to explore what we call a 'dungeon', or a 'labyrinth'. Obviously open to any fool who wishes to try, newbies are sent to the guildmaster's particular favourite to show off their skills, and complete her request. With her eyes and ears ever present in the walls, she learns of the ability of the team, as to set them challenges in the future that they'll rise to. Our story is set here, in this guild, with some very unlikely people. With some very unexpected fates. Destined to meet in a very unexpected place, and continue to venture into places forth that their greatest dreams and desires could never have imagined. Aerenthis awaits. --- [b]Wake up call:[/b] 8-8:30 AM (most people don't get up unless there's a horn blaring for several minutes unfortunately) [b]Breakfast:[/b] Served at 9 AM sharp, and can go on to 11 AM. Daily announcements made here and in this time notices are put on notice boards for guild-members to see. [b]Lunch:[/b] Served at 1 PM, and can go on to 3 PM. Not a mandatory meal for most explorers as they can find their own lunch whilst out, but for anyone still at the guild a hot meal remains ever ready. [b]Dinner:[/b] Served at 7 PM, and can go on to 9 PM. This is to ensure that everyone returning home gets a proper meal before a good night's sleep. Second most important meal of the day. (Best food served at this time, in Guildmistress Ivanna's opinion!) [b]Lights Out:[/b] 11:30 PM, to ensure all guild-members get a good night's sleep of about 8 and a half hours. Whatever you choose to do outside of 'lights out' is your own responsibility. But if you bother anyone else's sleep, rest assured, here are consequences. Rules and timings are set to keep guild-members as safe as possible, and make sure they're cared for. A fraction of any money earned as rewards for tasks completed for the townpeople goes to the guild, obviously. Most items are allowed to be kept by the guild-members, though. A storage account can be started at Aurum Town (barely a 7 minute walk away, and a 3 minute ride on horseback) under the name or account of a party registered with the guild, to store any items that cannot be kept in the inventory, or cannot be kept in quarters at the guild. Money can also be stored for safe-keeping, in case of being robbed in an exploration, a dungeon, or just generally. With two floors above ground, top and main floor mostly for dorms and such, and two floors below the ground and a courtyard that extends behind the guild also containing about 20 or so stable boxes and designated areas for riding, including a path leading off into the wood, it's a pretty big place. Mess hall located on the bottom-most floor, and the guildmistress' office located on the main floor. Notice boards with jobs will be posted on all floors except the top-most, with different job descriptions and requirements and requests. The notice board on the top floor would be reserved for the guild-members, and any personal messages or things they'd like to post up there, as in lost item reports, love-letters, organised events for the guild, etc. Teaching would take place on the first floor underground of the guild, as a couple of qualified individuals wait, and along with their duties to the guild, happily share their knowledge and school anyone interested. We currently have teachers for hand-to-hand combat, weapons up-close and personal like swordplay, or the use of lances or axes, archery/ranged weapon and how to develop skills with them, different magics, general literature (for those who might not know how to read and write), and some language teachers of different tongues, if you were to venture deep into the hearts of other regions, where the influence of the humans and their 'english language' wasn't as widespread. Housing in the guild generally has a room for four people, and berths are pretty simple, with rooms being homey more than anything else with tall windows to the outside world and orange/cream internal decor. Each individual would have a chest to keep their belongings in, in the decently sized room, and a main, larger chest for other things like bedsheets and just essentials. Minimal decor, some tables, and attached restrooms with mirrors and running water (thank the guild being located along the line of that water body for the fresh water). --- "Good morning, miss." came a warm voice from somewhere behind a little lady glancing out of a tall window outside. She seemed lost in thought, and had to be nudged before she responded to the elven man behind her, and then she smiled a warm smile and waved her hand dismissively up at him. “I’m fine, Adrian. Just watching the morning sun rise as always, and offering it my prayers. I have a feeling something’s going to happen today. Something new.” She beamed, and glowed even more radiant with the light hitting her face. For her thirty-two years, this dwarven woman had kept herself well in shape with her skin glowing to date even without the sun. “Miss Ivanna, I know, but you say that every day.” The elven man, Adrian, shrugged with a laugh, and an affectionate glance over at her. He even ruffled her hair a little, though she was a good foot and a half shorter than his 6’1. “We’ll see, as every day, shall we?” “You’re such a tease. Whippersnapper.” The older woman faked an overdramatic sigh before giving him a smile, almost playful now. “Come. It’s almost time for breakfast, isn’t it?” “You’re quite right, as always, Guildmistress.” “Good. Then come. We’ll see what the day brings over a nice breakfast, of bread and fruit, as I expect no fresh meat has been bought or hunted for the day.” She looked almost a little saddened. One of her favourite meals was roast lamb, but that would be quite inappropriate at the time, being 8:45 in the morning. Breakfast was at 9, and usually went on to 11, and lunch was served at 1 PM, and went on to 3. Dinner in the evening was at 7, and went on to 9, and ‘lights out’ (officially, anyway) would be at 11:30. “Of course. Don’t fret though, we’ll have some by the afternoon. For now, let us leave.” His blue eyes shone with turquoise specks from the light pouring through the window, as he put a hand on the shorter woman’s shoulder and led her off to the cafeteria, after a brief stop at her office of course to see what adventures were available, and requests had been made by the nearby townspeople on that day. One that would prove to be fateful indeed.